Chapter 33~ Shadow Knight's cause trouble

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~Y/N's P.O.V~

I was in Garroth's house waiting for Lurence to come back from his family. Its been about a week that i haven't seen him.

Garroth had baked pancakes for Laurence and forced Zane to be there when Laurence gets back.

I heard the door knob to the door move and i see Laurence.

Garroth: surprise!

Zane: *sighs* surprise...

Laurence: *chuckles* it's great to see you guys to-

I jumped on Laurence's back and hugged my arms around his neck and my legs around his stomach.

Y/N: Laurence! I missed you!

I get off from Laurence and he engulfs me in a huge hug.

Y/N: L-Laurence...can't...breathe

Laurence: sorry, just excuted to finally see the love of my life

Zane: ew

Garroth: awwwwe

Y/N: *blushes* hehehe

Laurence: anyways, i thought we cancelled surprise welcome homes ever simce Zane set the house on fire that one time he got scared

Zane: hmph

Garroth: i know he did but we made an exception for this time! Mostly because i made pancaked and didn't want it to go to waste

Laurence: sounds awesome!

Zane: can i go back to bed now? I only came to this welcome home greeting to get free pancakes and i already had mine

Garroth: fiiiine, go upstairs and sleep

Zane: thank you

Laurence: i see Zane hasn't changed, but Y/N, you seem a little more....happy

Garroth: if Zane were to change while you were gone, I'd consider that a miracle! But Y/N was a miracle!

Y/N: what?

Laurence: really? What did she change?

Garroth: well come on, we can talk more over pancakes! I have a lot to tell you!

Laurence: I'm all ears!

Y/N: and I'm heading to work! Bye Laurence

Laurence: no goodbye kiss?

Y/N: you cry baby

I went ocer to Laurence, got on my tippy toes and pecked him on the lips.

Y/N: I'll see you later, I'm only working for an hour

Laurence: alright, love you babe

Y/N: love you too

I went outside and i started walking over to Aaron's house when i saw Gene working and picking up the trash. He left a lot of trash behind. Maybe i should tell him something.

I saw Aphmau come out of her house to play with her dog and i guess she noticed the trash on her yard too. I jogged over to her.

Y/N: *sighs* aw Gene

Aphmau: Gene!

Gene: huh? Oh, hey Aph, hey Y/N

Aphmau: how are you?

Y/N: Gene, you don't look so well...

Aphmau: yeah, you look, a little, out of it?

Gene: I'm just tired guys, nothing big

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