Chapter 38~ psycho attack

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~Aaron's P.O.V~

I finished cleaning a base and walked over to Garroth and heard him sigh.

Aaron: hey Garroth, are you okay?

Garroth: yeah, I'm just really worried about Y/N

Aaron: my sister is gonna be fine, everyone is watching her right now

Garroth: I hope she will be fine, it's been days and she's not 100% herself, I'm just really worried about her. Who else is going to do Mall Day with me?

Aaron: no

Garroth: see! That's what i mean, Y/N is the only one who can do full mall day with me. But aside from that she's a cool friend, and Laurence told me to watch over her

Aaron: we'll make sure she's okay, after all she's my little sister I'm worried as much as you are

Garroth:! This place is looking better already!

Aaron: right? I mean this place looks really nice when its clean

Garroth: i think you and Aph should take that room

Aaron: what? Why us?

Garroth: because this is the room your family stayed in when you were younger right? Plus my folks have a similar room across the way, it only seems appropriate

Aaron: *sighs* Well if you're okay with it

Garroth: absolutely! But uh we should get back to the main hall, i want to see if Y/N is okay

Aaron: right, let's go

~no one's P.O.V~

Aphmau: do you think she will be alright?

Lucinda: oh yeah I'm sure, it seems her mind was in a  possession spell

Aphmau: Y/N, how are you feeling?

Y/N: ughh my head hurts but i feel better than before

Aphmau: can i get you anything? Water? Food?

Y/N: uh no thanks I'm fine, like i said i just got a small headache

Lucinda: you're recovering well for someone who was possessed only a few days ago

Y/N: thanks? I guess, um...never thought i would ask but is Zane alright? I did try to attack him so

Lucinda: uhhhh, attack?

Y/N: yeah, Garroth said i tried to attack him

Lucinda: Oh! Pfft so that's what he told you huh?

Y/N: ughh ugh i need to apologize to his...face that i just want to rip off his skin~

Aphmau: uhhh, Y/N are you...okay?

Y/N: I'm always ok with his guys falling out of his mouth, especially the bleeding

Lucinda: Y/N! *snaps fingers* snap out of it

Y/N: huuuh what? Did something happen?

Lucinda: mmm, interesting. Seems like you're still suffering from some lingering effects of the possession

Y/N: and that means that I'm still going to attack him?

Aphmau: attack isn't the word i would use for-

Lucinda: ahem!

Aphmau: uhhh- Oh! Right! Yeah! Ahem, um let's keep you away from Zane, at least we can figure out what's going on with you Y/N

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