Chapter 47~ (Finale)I love you Y/N...

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~third P.O.V~

Garroth: Y/N? Y/N please wake up!

Aphmau was crying over Aaron. She heard what Garroth said and walked over to him. There she saw Y/N in Garroth's arms, lifeless...dull.

Aphmay: Y/N!!!

~a week later~

Y/N was in the same room with Aaron, they both had their eyes red. Their parents were there watching the doctors work on their kids.

Dad: word is beginning to spread, a few news let out must have picked up on the story

Mom: *sniffles* we can't risk losing them. Their eyes Derek, if they look at a human-

Dad: we can't ask them to calm their eyes. I don't even know if they can hear us

Female Doc: Mrs. Lyken, we need to draw more blood for your daughter

Mom: of course, anything

Sylvanna slammed the door opened in the room they were in.

Sylvana: Aaron! Y/N!

Doctor: hey! What are you doing here?!

Sylvana: i want to see Aaron and Y/N! Aaron is my daughter's boyfriend and she's outside worried sick about him! Not to mention that Y/N is like a sister to her and that's making her more worried! You aren't telling her anything about them! Let us through or we'll bust our way in! We need answers!

Erick: come on! Let us in! This ismt right to keep us waiting! Aphmau has been waiting out there everyday for a whole week now and you aren't going to tell her anything?! We need to know how Aaron and Y/N doing!

Doxtor: please sir, ma'am. You don't understand you can't be in here. It's far too dangerous for you, please you are in serious danger if you continue to stay here

Doctor 2: don't make us remove you from the room. They need rest and medicine

They started arguing back and forth. Aphmau walked in with bags under her eyes. But someone else came with her.

Aphmau: Mom! Erick! Please, leave the room. Aaron needs his rest, you don't understand why you can't be in here right now

Laurence: she told me everything and i just want Y/N to get better, please just leave the room. I can wait but just please let her rest

Y/N slowly groaned and her eyes went back to her regular E/C.

Mom: Derek...look!

The dad walked over to Y/N's side and saw that her and Aaron both had their regular eye color. Still pale from the lack of blood and they still have their ears and tail. Dad's eyes widened as he saw their eyes back to normal. He slowly turned to the direction of where Aphmau and Laurence are.


Y/N and Aaron were standing next to each other with their phones broken in pieces in front of them.

Aaron: but it's just texting!

Dad: no Aaron! You need to stop talking to her! Y/N, you will stop talking to him as well! Don't you both understand that they're going to rip your heart out!

Aaron: she's the reason I have a heart in the first place!

Aaron's eyes were red. Y/N had mixed emotions. Her eyes turned red, just by thinking of the fact that he loves Aphmau.

Y/N: i have never been able to talk or socialize with anyone as close as him... he means the world to me dad... I just want to talk to him...

Dad: Aaron... Y/N... they don't love you

The Little Sister 《||Lovers Lane, Laurance x Reader||》Where stories live. Discover now