chapter 8~cat ear day

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color


Your P.O.V

Everyone was working today at the maid cafe and i was helping with making the food. Everyone has been asking for the cake. Kawaii~chan showed me how to make it, i did notice that Zane was sleeping and then Gene came and they started fighting. The usual between those 2.

Aphmau then made me and Kawaii~chan wear the shop shirt, its cute. I hate cute things honestly, but business is business. I saw Zane blush when he saw Kawaii~chan in the shirt, that's cute but i think Damien is going to win her over.

As i was making the food i saw that Aphmau and Aaron were talking to someone, i didn't care but she looked familiar. Laurence up to me to give me an order. He looked really nice in that tux.

Laurence: you like what you see? *wink*

Y/N: if your here to flirt then go back to serving the customers

Laurence: well i came for that AND to give you an order and my love for you

Y/N: after high school, its a little hard to fall for that trick

Laurence: well if yo-

Y/N: you should get back to work before our boss finds out you're slacking

I left to make the order until Aaron came over to me.

Y/N: anither distraction, first was Laurence then you?

I turn around and see Aaron looking really mad and nervous.

Y/N: is something wrong?

Aaron: .....Melissa is here...


Y/N: M-Melissa?!

Aaron: why are you worried?

Y/N: she thinks I'm in Japan working for a business there!

Aaron: why in Japan of all places?

Y/N: i was really into anime at the time i told her so don't start questioning!

Aaron: well she knows your here...

Y/N: you told her didn't you

Aaron: not me but...Aphmau

Y/N: ..........

Aaron: please don't get mad but Melissa wants to see you

Y/N: give me the order first

Aaron gives me the order and as I'm bringing the krder to the table Laurence came from, i slowly went over to where Melissa was sitting.

Melissa: well it's good to see you little sister

Y/N: *stays quiet*

Melissa: is there a reason you don't want to talk to me?

Y/N: i have no reason to

Melissa: so how was Japan little sister?

Y/N: how is your love life going?

Melissa: you're not as you always were little sister, especially giving your older sister attitude

Y/N: I'm old enough to give you attitude and for you not to boss me around

Melissa: just cause Aaron can't do it, doesn't mean i can't either

Y/N: try me

Melissa: Aphmau do you make the food here?

I walked away to the counter and Gene came up to me looked at Melissa then at me.

Y/N: if your thinking that I'm going to hook you up with my sister, don't even think about it

Gene: i rather hook up with you

Y/N: in your dreams Gene

Gene: well you are my everything

Y/N: why are you actually here?

Gene: i have an order for you

Y/N: *looks at the order* this is a phone number

Gene: yeah it's mine

Y/N: why are you giving me your number?

Gene: *leans to your ear* because i can treat you way better than how Laurence did in high school

Gene walks away to serve a table. I went back to wait for more orders when i see Laurence come up to me.

Laurence: here you go M'Lady

Y/N: hopefully this is an actual order and not a phone number

Laurence: yeah its an order, shy would it be a phone number?

Y/N: no reason

Laurence: ok? Well all they want is a black coffee, Damien gave me that order

Y/N: ok I'll serve it to them

I don't know what to do anymore.

We closed the shop and Melissa said she wanted to talk to all of us.

Melissa: so the reason i called you all here is...who wants to be in a competition for cooking?!

Y/N: are you being serious right now

Aaron: yeah you can't be serious

Melissa: oh but i am serious, my parents are doing a cooking show along with the Ro'meaves and we don't have enough contestants

Zane: so you're basically asking us because you couldn't find people in time?

Melissa: well yeah

Zane: and why did you ask us instead of famous chefs?

Melissa: because we want normal people, not famous

Aphmau: I'll join!

Laurence: I'm down

Gene: i guess I'll join it for the competition

KC: I'll totally join!

Y/N: I'm not joining

Aaron: you guys can't be serious about that

Melissa: they've said it, they'll join

Aaron: alright fine, me and Y/N will join, in fact we'll be partners

Y/N: excuse me i never agreed to this

Melissa: its settled I'll see yoy guys later

Aaron is dead

I'm on a role today 😂. Anyways, I'll update tomorrow probably and if you want you can message me some ideas or if i should put a new character or something. I just want to know what ideas you guys have. Oh and i hope you like the love triangle i put 😂. I'll update tomorrow, Day After Emma out~✌

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