Chapter 12~ Y/N and Zane the Youtube couple

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I was working in the Café and a lot of guys and girls were outside the cafe. I was serving people and i heard a guy technically fangirling about me from the video and i heard another girl fangirling about Zane. I ran after Zane into the room where he went in and he started yelling.


Aphmau: EEP!

Zane: you did this!!

Aphmau: did what?!

Zane: make me popular!

Aphmau: oh, you mean the whole you and Y/N being an internet sensation thing?

Zane: its gotten ridiculous!

Y/N: *enters the room* i agree with him on that, guys are asking me to be their kitty and for my number, this is getting super out of hand

Aphmau: i know, i know, I'm sorry you guys, i honestly wasn't expecting it to explode like it did


Y/N: .....what?

Aphmau: wow, some of these are nice

Zane: hehehe i know, b-but that's not the point!

Aphmau: wait, how did you even get this fan art? I thought you didn't do social media

Zane: well i-i uhhhhh

Aphmau: Zaaaaaane

Zane: uhhhhh

Aphmau: do you secretly like the attention?

Zane: no i don't!

Y/N: liar

Aphmau: *giggles* Y/N's right, and anyways its not like its a bad thing, as long as you don't let it go to your head

Zane: I'm not I-

Aphmau: *looks at him mad*

Zane: *sighs* fiine, I'm...ok with it, i just don't know how to deal with this sudden popularity

Y/N: speak for yourself

Aphmau: Y/N don't be rude, and Zane..Y/N if it makes you guys feel better, i took the video down, I'm only letting in customers that are paying and put up a sign that says no pictures, plus I'll walk you home until this dies down

Y/N: um i don't need to be walked home like a child, unlike someone *glares at Zane*

Zane: i appreciate it, but the thing is that, people are shipping me and Y/N

Y/N: say what now?

Aphmau: hey no need to get nervous, you guys aren't the only ones getting this many fans, Eli is also having the same problem


I was in the kitchen helping Aaron with the food and i kept hearing a lot of meows outside but Aaron thought i was going crazy, until Aphmau yelled on cats and called for Aaron. Aaron dropped his spoon and ran over to Aphmau, with me following behind him. Aaron being the concerned boyfriend was surprised ti see that many cats outside the window. Aphmau wanted to keep them but Aaron didn't want to, and they were going on about it until i went outside and tried to get the cats to leave but they jist scratched me everywhere.

{Flashback over}

Zane: I'm just saying, Laurence is going to want to fight me later when he finds out people are shipping us, and I'm not good in socialising and t have suddenly be my friend?

Aphmau: well, maybe its not a bad thing to make new friends, Y/N can be your friend

Zane: no! I-I mean no one knows me as well as you do, and Y/N scares me, and she's like Aaron, she doesn't talk much

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