Chapter 41~ Saying Goodbye

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Before we get on with the story, i would like to say thanks to LittleRedAngel101 for the beautiful cover for the story. I really liked it. Anyways on to the story. Oh and we reached 10K reads!

~Y/N's P.O.V~

We were in the dining room. With Zane sitting down and the rest of us looking at him.

Lucinda: he doesn't have a temperature.... his vitals seem normal. But I'm sure you've all noticed it...

Y/N: what is there to notice?

Garroth: yeah?

Lucinda: well, surprisingly Y/N you don't know but look closely at his face

Y/N: what can i look at with the stupid mask on his face?

Zane: h-hey!

Lucinda: you don't need to see his entire face to know something is off

Y/N: that's hard to believe, but what is it then? Obviously I'm not going to figure it out

Garroth: his eyes

Y/N: they look normal to me

Garroth: they're not *sigh* my baby brothers eyes are naturally blue, but his eyes are green

Y/N: really? Oh yeah they are, didn't really notice that before

Lucinda: i think we were all caught up in finding him that we didn't think to question it

Garroth: to be honest I was just glad he was back safe and sound

Y/N: i mean we all were, especially Aphmau

Lucinda: Zane, what exactly happened with your eyes?

Zane: what are you talking about?

Lucinda: your eyes are a different color!

Zane: they are?

Y/N: didn't you just hear her?

Lucinda: does anyone have a mirror?

Y/N: i have a glass shard, it's pretty sharp so be careful not to break it

Zane: why do you have a shard specifically?

Y/N: don't worry about it, just look at yourself, see?

Zane: my eyes are green, thats my natural eye color

Garroth: no it's not! Zane please remember!

Zane: look Garroth, was It? I appreciate you.. no, all of you helping me recover from the cold but i don't appreciate you guys acting this way towards me

Lucinda: what do you mean?

Y/N: acting in what way?

Zane: well first off, Garroth over here keeps screaming he's my brother. Even if he isn't screaming it, he's giving me a dirty look

Garroth: no I'm not! *has dirty look* What?

Zane: all I'm saying is, I'd like to be respected a little more around here

Y/N: yeah sure whatever, you understand Garroth?

Garroth: yes, we understand... I'm sorry Zane... I guess... something is just really getting to me...

Zane: well, i hope whatever it is resolves itself soon

Garroth: yeah, me too

Y/N: this is awkward

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