Chapter 27~ Netflix and Chill

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~Laurence's P.O.V~

Laurence: Garroth? Are you sure you want to do this?

(Its not what you think, i swear 😂)

Garroth: positive think about it Laurence, this is a new neighborhood, we've been here for how long?

Laurence: uhhhh a while?

Garroth: exactly, Laurence we need a neighborhood watch, we need to get the community involved in protecting itself

Laurence: it's just

Garroth: what?

Laurence: it seems like a lot of work Garroth

Garroth: what are you trying to say?

Zane: i think he's trying to say that you're incompetent of keeping up with the responsibility

Laurence: hey, i never said that, i just think Garroth doesn't know what he's getting himself into

Garroth: i know very well what I'm getting myself into Laurence! Plus i think this would be good to do, besides I'm not going to be the only one doing it, its a NEIGHBORHOOD watch

Zane: hahahah! It still requires someone to head, and that someone is going to be you!

Laurence: Zane, weren't you part of the neighborhood community back in our old street? Why don't you join our neighborhood watch?

Zane: ha! Hahahaha! No thanks, also you got it wrong, i was just on committee, i didn't do much aside from judging contests, i enjoyed the power of crushing peoples dreams

Garroth: oh! Like how Y/N likes to crush peoples bones?

Zane: kind of, its still hurts them, but a neighborhood watch is a completely different beast, one that i want nothing to do with, so good luck~

Laurence: you know, your brother is a real jerk Garroth

Garroth: yeah, i think I've known that since forever but let's forget about him! We need to find someone else to be on our watch!

Laurence: hmmm what about Travis and Dante?

Garroth: hahaha Laurence please, those two are LAZY, we need someone proactive especially if we're going to catch that sneak

Laurence: ohhh so that's what this is really about

Garroth: he's still out there Laurence, this is just one step to laying out a big net, now come on help me think....hmmm who else can we ask to join us

~Y/N's P.O.V~

Aaron: you're kidding me right?

Y/N: this better be a joke or I'll kick you both far away from the neighborhood

Garroth: but we're not kidding! We're absolutely serious! Aaron, Y/N! This neighborhood is in great danger

Aaron: because some guy threatened you with a trash can?

Y/N: are you sure it wasn't like a raccoon or Travis

Laurence: huh, never thought about that

Garroth: Laurence! Aaron, Y/N! It was definitely a person!

Y/N: so is Travis, well kind of but still, but anyways i would really love to help you out, not really, i have work

Aaron: yeah i would love to help you guys out but I'm going to be really busy until summer

Garroth: we just need your name on the form to apply for the neighborhood watch, we need at least 3 people or more to make this legit, eventually we're going to get everyone on the forum so everyone is a part of this

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