Chapter 3~ Fall Festival

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color


Your P.O.V

Me, Aphmau and Emmalyn were outside of the entrance to the festival.

Aphmau: it's been so long Emmalyn! I'm happy you came with us!

Emmalyn: oh I'm happy to be here too, it's too bad that Kenmur couldn't come.

I was just listening to them not reallly paying attention to what they were saying. I really never talked to Emmalyn so that's probably why I'm getting impatient. 'Is that Lucinda?'

Lucinda: did someone say witch? Oh hey Emmalyn, long time so see!

And once again they went talking and something about Kenmur. When i was a Junior Emmalyn accused of me liking Kenmur and i don't know what. I'm just going to go in the festival without them I'm done waiting. I entered the festival and started walking around looking for the guys that were supposed to meet us here by now. 'I wonder if Laurence would be happy to see me'.... what. Ok i must be getting sick or something. I walked around more until i found Kawaii~Chan on a ladder getting her cupcake booth ready.

Y/N: hey KC

KC: Hi Y/N~senpai

When she said hi she fell off the ladder and landed on her feet?! Wow that's badass!

Y/N: KC that was badass! You need to teach me how to do that!

KC: *chuckles* no silly i was always able to land on my feet, like cats!

Y/N:....didn't you say that Meif'wa and cats were different?

KC: yes well we have some similar traits.

Well after that incident a boy came up to her and started talking to her so i left. I started walking more until i found Aphmau and Zane bickering about the ponies. Laurence calls me over.

Y/N: hey guys

Aaron: why do you look annoyed?

Laurence: yeah and why weren't you with Aphmau?

Y/N: they were talking and i got impatient so i went in by myself.

Zane: well now that your here let's do some pumpkin carving

We all agreed and went to look for a pumpkin.
After looking i decided i didn't want to do one so i just helped Laurence look for his.
We were about to present the pumpkins until Travis showed up and said that we should go to the huanted Maze.
We got into the maze and i saw Aaron daydreaming about how he can save Aphmau.
We all went in and i wanted to go by myself but Laurence insisted that he goes with me. I didn't really have an option so i did.

We were walking in silence. I always found scary things not scary, especially if they try too hard.

Laurence: you scared? *he smirks*

Y/N: not one bit

Laurence: its okay if you are, i can hold your hand so you won't get scared *winks*

Y/N: I'm fine

We stopped becahse Laurence found those things where they make you stand and you fall somewhere, i don't know. Well we both fell in a tight space full of CHICKENS?!

Zane: oh no, i didn't think this could get worse!

Zane started panicking a long with Laurence, then soon was Travis who had recently fell after after running away from politics. Now that is really scary. A guy in a chicken suit came out of nowhere and started to set us on fire.

Aaron's P.O.V

Me and Aphmau were waiting for Travis, Zane, Laurence, and Y/N. We saw them come out covered in ash. And Y/N looks like she's about to explode. We sat them on a bench and I'm honestly scared of Y/N because when she's quiet, it means she's really mad.

Travis: he's crazy!

Aphmau: he's probably misunderstood

Laurence: Y/N why so-

I put my hand on his mouth so he can be quiet and not make her in more of a bad mood.

Zane: I'm outraged! Nothing can make me happy Aphmau, not even cupcakes or sweets.

Aphmau: i know what will make you happy


Zane started dunking Garroth and was laughing. While I'm here in a very terrible mood and not even talking.

Garroth: hey Y/N you give it a try, i bet you can't hit it on the first try.

I glare up at him and move to get the balls ready to dunk him into the water. I got one and hit the bullseye and he fell into the water.
After all that Garroth finally came out of his 'work' and Travis insisted we go to the huanted house. Aphnau had stopped at a place for costumes where they sell dinosaur onesies. Fortunately they didn't have any except for 5 other costumes. They gave me a orange shirt and redish skirt with black shoes and long white socks with black hipster glasses. (Ok so since your with them and well they're suppose to be dressed up as the Scooby gang, Aphmau will just have Daphne's clothe.) Laurence had a green shirt with normal light brown pants? Ok i guess, Garroth was wearing a dog costume with black spots but brown around it with a blue and gold collar, Zane was wearing another dog costume that was just light brown with only a collar, Aphmau was wearing a shirt? That was purple, had light purple leggings and a orange wig, and Aaron had a white shirt on with a orange thingy in his shirt, and blue pants. These are really weird costumes.

Zane: why do i have to be the dog?

Aphmau: don't conplain, i like mine because it's purple

Laurence: i don't like mine because i just have a green baggy shirt with pants

Y/N: you look cute it in tho, but can we just go to the haunted house already?

And with that we go. By the time we get there Zane and Aphmau started arguing on who can survive the longest in the house. I found it very childish but whatever. We went inside and got chased around by a ghost, i found Laurence and Garroth just eating more than going around the house, i think i do need glasses because i dropped the ones i was wearing and i suddenly couldn't see anything. At the end it was just Katelyn and Travis doing i don't know what.
Finally i came home really exhausted from all that and i git a text from Laurence.

Y- You L-Laurence

L: hey Y/N
Y: hey what's up?
L: nothing just wanted to ask if you meant it when you called me cute
Y: you always look cute Laurence 😉😄
L: well you look cuter 😉
Y: well i got no words to that
L: I'm just that awesome
Y: you wish
L: i love you
Y: love you too, now go sleep
L: ok I'll see you in my dreams 😉
Y: why so flirty?
L: you'll figure it out later
Y: ???
L: byeeeee

Great now my curiosity is goin to be bothering me all night. Well time to sleep on my new bed that me and the boys went to go buy.

HIIIII GUYS sorry i haven't posted lately, got some boy problems then some backstabbing fake friends, you know, normal high school drama. Anyways i sae that I HAVE 1K READS LIKE OMG (update, i now have 22.9K reads.) i didn't think i would have that many. I find that a lot cause this is my first book. Day After Emma out~✌

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