Chapter 28~ exposed!

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~Laurence's P.O.V~

Garroth, Laurence: we did it!

Laurence: you were clever, but not clever enough

Garroth: in the end, it was your love for trash cans that did you in

Laurence: let's see who our first perp is!

*flash light turns on*

Garroth, Laurence: Gene?!

Gene: could you guys stop flashing that light in my face? Its so bright! Get me out of here!

Garroth: I should've known, Gene up to your old tricks! Where's the spray can?!

Gene: what are you talking about? Get me down!

Garroth: i knew you zippy spray your spray can all around! Now tell me where it is! Where's your partner?! Answer me! I'll put you away for life! *growls*

Laurence: Garroth, GARROTH! Calm down, let me talk to him, sorry about that Gene are you okay?

Gene: yeah...why is Garrith acting all CRAZY?! Ugh, can you please get me out now?!

Laurence: i can get you out, but only if i can get a confession out of you, if you can do that then i will talk to the judge and make sure you only get one or two years instead of life

Gene: what?

Garroth: *whispers* is good cop, bad cop working?

Laurence: *whispers* yeah, it totally is

Gene: just let me down!

Laurence: oh, we've got a tough guy over here!

Garroth: *grunts* tsk tsk. What a shame! I guess we'll have to call over the "EXTREME ENFORCEMENTS" the two we call the cop twins, to take care of you!

*walks to the phone can thingy*

*makes Iphone default ringtone sounds into can*

~Y/N's P.O.V~

Y/N: *talking in sleep* yes Laurence, i would love more of those cookies

Garroth (voice from can): Roger Roger! Cop twins! Com in! Cop Twins! Over

Y/N: Garroth! What the hell are you doing!? Do you realize what time it is?! And why are you in my room?!

Garroth: Rger Roger! I'mnot in your room silly! Over

Y/N: *looks at rhe can next to her bed* are you serious...

Garroth: roger roger! We need you in the hens hut Cop Twins! Over

Y/N: do you even realize what time it is?! Its 3:00 in the morning for hell's sake! How did you even manage to get this tin can in my room?!

Garroth: roger roger! I told Laurence to put it in a few hours ago! Over. You look scary when you sleep! Over

Y/N: why you little-*sighs* Garroth listen very closely...I'LL TALK TO YOU IN THE DAMN MORNING! BYE! *rip the rope*

~Garroth's P.O.V~

Garroth: ugh, you are super luck today punk, the Cop Twins! They're to busy to take care of you right now, i guess we'llhave to contain you until they're ready

Gene: Garroth! Laurence! Let me go! Wait until i tell Y/N and you'll be sorry!

Laurence: it's not too late to confess, I can still work a 2 to 4 year deal eith the judge

Gene: *growls*


~Y/N's P.O.V~

The Little Sister 《||Lovers Lane, Laurance x Reader||》Where stories live. Discover now