Chapter 22~ she's moving in....maybe

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Laurence: you want to move in with me?

Y/N: i-i....

Laurence: i mean it's okay if you don't, I'll be looking for a house waiting to buy it with you so we can live there

Y/N: *hugs Laurence* of course I'll live with you

Laurence: that's great! We can start looking for a house tomorrow

Y/N: and I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind giving me some money to buy it, after all it's not like they use it for something important

Laurence: haha if that's so, then I'll find another job that gives more money, no offense to Aphmau of course

Y/N: she fired me from there, she still believes i burnt down the kitchen

Laurence: it's fine, that's in the past and we'll look for a job tomorrow for you

Y/N: thank you Laurence, you're the best

Laurence: i know i am

Y/N: alright let's go to the party

~time skip 3 days~

Its been 3 days since the party and nobody knows yet. I'm planning to tell Aaron that's for sure, but why would i tell him if he never even told me had a girlfriend. The christmas party was weird for Laurence probably especially around my dad.


I was with Laurence sitting with Melissa and mom when suddenly dad came with Aaron over to us.

Dad: how is my baby daughter? Are you feeling alright from tht allergic reaction?

Y/N: yes dad I'm fine, and I'm not a baby anymore!

My dad ignored what i said and pushed me away from Laurence, while he sat next to him. He put his arm around Laurence, he has the look when he's about to question someone.

Dad: so Laurence was it?

Laurence: yes sir

Dad: do you love my daughter?

Laurence: with all my heart sir

Dad: *laughs* stop calling me sir, call me dad if you want

Laurence: *nervous laughter* that's alright

Dad: you'll eventually call me dad when you propose to Y/N

I spit my hot cocoa and it landed on Melissa...whoops. PROPOSE?! Omi and he doesn't even know I'm moving in with him!

Dad: and when you do get married, i expect a lot of grandchildren!

Y/N: DAD! Stop!

Dad: what? None of you guys have had kids and i want grandchildren already, i want to be grandpa!

Aaron: you sure do look like one alright

Dad: what was that?

Aaron: oh nothing

Laurence: i wouldn't mind having kids with your daughter sir


Laurence: if its a girl we'll name her Elsa and if it's a boy we'll name him Laurence Jr.

Dad: name your son Derek! After me of course

Y/N: why are you guys even talking about this!

{Flashblack over}

The people I'm related to. I heard a knock on my door and Dante came in a long with Travis and they look sad.

Y/N: why are you looking down? Still can't find any girlfriends?

Dante: no...

Travis: why didn't you tell us you're moving out?

Y/N: *sigh* i didn't think it was time yet, besides Laurence and I haven't even found a house yet

Dante: are you guys still going to be in the neighborhood?

Y/N: of course you big cry babies

Dante: its going to be boring without you here

Y/N: its not like you guys are ever here

Travis: that's true but who am i going to bother when Dante is bothering me?

Dante: and who's going to make the delicious pancakes every morning?

Y/N: well not me, you guys are getting fat

Travis: hey i work out

Y/N: just cause you play the Wii Fitness doesn't mean you're necessarily working out

Travis: it counts okay!

Dante: we're going to miss your screaming and scolding when we can't let you sleep

Travis: we're going to miss the punches you give us when we make you loose at Mario Kart

Y/N: Aha! I knew you guys were cheating this whole time!

Dante: might as well say it but....i ate the last cookie in the cookie jar....

Y/N: oreo's?

Travis: yeah I saw him eat it this morning

Y/N: I'll give you a 5 second head start, and when i catch you, your dead!

Dante: uh oh *runs*

Y/N: 5...4....3...2...1

I chased him around the house. He threw me cushions from the chairs, threw papers at me and ran for the door. Once he left the house i continued chasing him down the sidewalk until i felt a pair of arms hold me back as Dante hid behind the boy with the sand blomde hair.

Garroth: what is going on here?

Dante: she's going to kill me so I'm going to use you as a shield

Garroth: what?! No! I don't want to die!

The both started fighting and i tried to get loose but this person was strong enough to hold me back.

Laurence: Y/N sweet heart what happened?

Y/N: Dante ate my last oreo!

Dante: well i didn't think you'd want it!

Laurence: Y/N let's go to my house and i can buy you more oreo cookies later

Y/N: grrrrr

Dante: *gulps*

Y/N: I'm not done with you yet

Garroth: ....might want to lock your door tonight....

Dante: doubt about it....

We went inside and i sat down on Laurence's bed.

Laurence: let's look for the house tomorrow, i was busy looking for a job today and then i was working at the Maid Cafe this morning and i told Aphmau i had an emergency and then i went looking for another job

Y/N: I'll look for one tomorrow, and Travis and Dante told me you told them that we're moving together.....they were sad

Laurence: i told them?

Y/N: well they didn't say who but only you and me know

Laurence: i didn't tell them though

Y/N: what? That's creepy, but then who did?

Laurence: someone must of heard

Y/N: but Garroth went to the party before you had even asked me and Zane was *gasp* i think it was Zane.....

OMG ok well this chapter is done! I hope you guys like it and i promise the next chapter will be better 😂 anyways Day After Emma out~ ✌

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