Chapter 14~ Gene's worry and Laurence jealousy

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~Travis P.O.V~

I am at Katelyn's house and i noticed Katelyn was really into the book she was reading. I was curious and i asked her.

Travis:'s your book going?

Katelyn: its going

Travis: i noticed it didn't have a cover, what's it about anyways?

Katelyn: hehe you're asking me that now? You've been here for an hour

Travis: i enjoy the silence, Dante and Gene have been hanging out a lot lately and they're brothers sooo


Dante: hey that's no fair! That last cupcake was mine!

Gene: that's what you get for cheating at Super Mario! So tough cookies

Dante: man cookies sound great about now, IF I HAD ANY LEFT OVER AFTER THE PURGE OF MY KITCHEN!

Gene: it's not my fault Y/N makes great cookies! And food in general!

*Y/N walks downstairs and looks in the fridge*

Y/N: which one of you ate my cupcake?!

Gene: it was Dante!

Dante: i WAS going to eat it but Gene ate it!

Gene: you said mi casa es su casa

Dante: that was a figure of speech!

Gene: calla te gordo feo seriously!

Dante: don't call me that!

{Flashback over}

Katelyn: *laughs* yeah brothers are like that, i could just imagine Aaron and Y/N, but it must be annoying for you though

Travis: very

Katelyn: do you know why Y/N doesn't live with Aaron and Aphmau?

Travis: she said because Aaron wants to live alone with Aphmau and that Y/N will just be in the way

Katelyn: hm that's weird

Travis: so anyways what's the book about?

Katelyn: theatre and directing stuff

Travis: you're still thinking about that?

Katelyn: yeah but i need more practice, maybe I'll do a neighborhood play in the future, i stil got some brushing up to do first though

*KC comes down*

Katelyn: hey Kawaii-chan

Travis: heeyyyy heard about your date yesterday

Katelyn: right with Damian, how'd it goo?

KC: it went great, Damian is really funny, he almost made Zane and Y/N laugh

Travis: Z-Zane? And Y/N? Together?

Katelyn: Zane and Y/N were there?

KC: yeah, Aphmu-senpai and Gene-kun were there too, it was a triple date

Travis: huh...that's weird

Katelyn: weird? Its Zane, he's always weird and I'm surprised Y/N went with Gene and not Laurence

Travis: yeah but none of my business, so what do you think Kawaii-chan? Going for a date round two someday?

KC: maybe hehehe


Katelyn: I'm happy for her

Travis: same, still that triple date thing bothers me

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