Chapter 37~ unexpected visitors

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We were still in the garage until we heard something break.

Aaron: what was that?

Lucinda: it sounded like someone kicked the door

Y/N: i wonder what it was, and i remember locking the door when i came in, *gasp* what if its a serial killer?!

Garroth: Y/N calm down!

Aarom: I'm going to go check it out

Garroth: I'm right behind you

Lucinda: same

Y/N: oops

Aaron: what?

Y/N: i left my pocket knife on the table

Aaron: well let's just check it out

Y/N: right

We slowly came out and hid behind a pile of crates.

Near the front doors, we see a to what looks like a female in a red hoodie and wolfs everywhere. The wolfs were searching everywhere, looking into our stuff and everything.

Lucinda: *whispers* omi those are wolfs!

Garroth: *whispers* should we shoo them away?

Aaron: that is not a good idea!

Lucinda: those wolfs look like they can tear us apart

Y/N: oh no

Garroth: what's wrong Y/N?

Y/N: achoo!

Aaron: *whispers* Y/N! Any louder?! Let's just hope they don't pick up our scent

We see a wolf go to our luggage and starts sniffing it.

Garroth: achoo!

The wolfs looked over to direction where we were. I clutched onto Aaron's arm and i felt myself start trembling.

Y/N: *whisper* we're so dead, we're so dead

The wolfs started coming closer until they stopped and looked to their left. We saw the girl wave to them and they left. We all sighed in relief and we got up from our hiding spot.

Lucinda: that was, waaay too close

Aaron: tell me about it

Garroth: I'm so sorry, i aomost turned us into dog food, *looks over to Y/N* uh Y/N?

I stayed frozen on the ground with my eyes wide open. I felt myself tremble and shake, words not being able to come out of my mouth. Then everything went black.

~Aaron's P.O.V~

Garroth: Y/N?

Y/N was sitting on the ground frozen, her eyes wide open. She didn't say anything and then she collapsed.

Garroth: Y/N?! Y/N?!

Aaron: we all need a moment to recollect ourselves

Lucinda: right, let's close the door

Garroth: Y/N? *pokes* Y/N!

~time skip~

~Aaron's P.O.V~

I walked over to Garroth still trying to wake Y/N.

Lucinda: how's Y/N doing?

Garroth: i-uhhh think she's fine, I've been poking her to see if she wakes up

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