Chapter 35~ Aaron, Y/N, and Garroth's mission

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~Y/N's P.O.V~

Aaron: Garroth, which way is it to your parents house?

Garroth: well, we can take the quick way. Uhh which is *points* that way!

Aaron: do we have to go that way?

Garroth: only if you want to get there fast. By the way, its kind of weird that our parents are together and asking for us. Don't you think?

Aaron: yeah but if this is the answer to the miney problem then I'm willing to hear them out

Y/N: if that's the case, why am i getting dragged into it? I'm not going anywhere

Aaron: you are my sister and you will suffer with me!

Y/N: and you're my brother and you will not make me go through suffering!

Garroth: guys, we have to go already!

Me and Aaron stood quiet while glaring at each other and we finally decided to start walking.

Not even off the driveway and we see Aphmau throwing away something and gets a call. I pulled Aaron from his sleeve and yanked him behind the fence.

Y/N: *whispers* keep quiet until she leaves

Garroth: I'll create a distraction!

Y/N: Garroth you bett-

Garrith grabbed a rock and threw it directly at the trash can.

Aphmau turned around and just looked at the rock.

I slapped the back or Garroth's head.

Y/N: how was that a distraction?!

Garroth: owie! Sorry i was aiming FOR her

Aaron: what?!

Garroth: don't worry i got another rock!

Aaron: don't even!

Aphmau started walking away to Katelyn's house.

Y/N: we should leave before she comes out again

Aaron: yeah and we need to find a way to sneak past Kawaii-chan and Katelyn's house

Garroth: right, let's go

~Time skip~

We were walking for a few miles until Garrith said we were close to his parents house.

We walked in front of the door.

Garroth: here we are!

Y/N: i really don't want to be a part of this!

Garroth: its okay Y/N! It probbly won't take long, you'll see, and then we can finish mall day after, I'll get you a whole new wardrobe of your favorite color!

Y/N: but i already wear (f/c) most of the time

Aaron: look Y/N, if you feel like you're about to have a fit, just step into the other room, we know hoe bad you get when you throw a fit

Garroth: too true, well let's ring the door bell and-

Ziana: *breaks down door* GarGar! *hugs Garroth*

Garroth: mommy! I'm so glad to see you!

Ziana: and you haveno idea hoe glad i am to see you too GarGar! And you too Aaron and Y/N! Come on! Let's go inside~

Y/N: *whispers to Aaron* noe i see where he gets it from

Aaron: *whispers back* breaking doors? Agreed

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