Chapter 9~ cooking show

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color



I was outside with Melissa and Aphmau. I'm not ready for this. Me and Aaron are great cooks, jt runs in the family....not everyone *looks at Melissa* but still.

Melissa: Alright contestants! Listen up, the limo will be here in any minute to take us to the studio! Double check all your needs, because it might take 2 days.

Aphmau: are you sure this is a good idea?

Y/N: I'm with her on that

Melissa: well how could it not be a good idea?! Putting 7 normal people on a cookiny show isn't so bad. And what's with the sudden doubt? You were so pumped yesterday? Especially you sister

Y/N: for your information i always doubted you and i was never pumped

Aphmau: i am but that was before we are getting in a limo

Melissa: you've never been in one?

Aphmau: no but that's not the point, none of us here are cooking experts, and what if we make a fool out of ourselves on live tv?

Melissa: *laughs* oh Aphmau! First of all, its not live tv so don't worry about that. Second, you don't have to be experts to be on tv, the genre is called Reality and there's a huge fan base around it

Aphmau: ehhhhhhh

Melissa: don't worry, you'll be fine you've got a sweet smile and a great personality you'll be a hit! Unlike Y/N

Y/N: grrrrr

Aphmau: *sighs* but what if they don't like me? And how do you know that i have a great personality? We haven't hung out that long

Melissa: i can just tell. Plus your friends like you and they're all here. Not to mention your boyfriend.

Aphmau: ughhhhh that's even worse! What if i make a fool out of myself in front of Aaron!?

Melissa: *laughs* you're cute, you really like him huh?

Aphmau: more than that

Melissa: do you want to have kids with him?

Y/N: *starts choking*

Aphmau: where did that come from?!?!

Melissa: just asking

Zane: um excuse me i don't want to ruin this conversation, but first of all Y/N sounds like she's about to die and second shouldn't Aphmau have to marry Aaron first?

Melissa: and who are you exactly to have a say in this?

Zane: you already know me of course but I'm Zane Ro'Meave, Aphmau's best friend, here take my card

Y/N: um

Aphmau: wait, you got a business card just for being my friend?!

Zane: of course just in case some POSER TRIES TO SAY I WASN'T! *faces wherr Gene is*

Gene: hmph

Melissa: i see? You know my brother is her boyfriend so, he's technically her best friend

Zane: obviously, he's best friend boyfriend, I'm best friend

Y/N: more like obsessed

Aphmau: you can't jut give yourself a title like that!

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