Chapter 4~ I get the job!

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color



Well i just lost my job at Guitar Center. Great now i need to look for a job. I was on the couch looking online for a job until Dante came in on the phone with Gene.

Dante: yeah Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan are opening up a new Maid Cafe and i know you're looking for a job so I'll send you the application...bye love you too bro

Hmmmm i don't like the idea of being a maid but i guess it's the only thing i have right now.

Y: hey Dante do you think you can send me that application too?

Dante: oh Y/N i didn't see you there, sure I'll send it to you but last time i checked you don't like pink that much, especially if it's a lot of it everywhere

Y: i just need a job

D: ok ok, someone woke up on the wrong side of bed.

Dante had sent me the application and i filled it and sent it to Kawaii~Chan. She had told me that the interview would be at Aphmau's house. Then i recieved a call from Aaron.

Y-you A-Aaron

Y: hello?

A: you're applying for the job at the Maid Cafe?!

Y: yeah so what?

A: well its surprising knowing you, of all people, want to work at a place that has maid outfits and pink everywhere

Y: well i got fired from Guitar Center so this is the only thing close to getting a job

A: oh ok....Aphmau wants to know when you want to do the interview

Y: right now i guess, have nothing better to do

A: alright come on over

I hang up and grab my f/c tie and head to Aaron's house. When i arrive i see another person leave the that Gene? I walk up to their house.

Gene: ahh hi there Y/N, it's been a while

Y/N: has

Gene used to like me when i joined the Shadow Knights with Laurence in Freshman year. It's really awkward.

Y/N: so why are you here?

Gene: oh i was applying for a job at the Maid Cafe, I'm on my way to get my stuff to help them fix up the place.

Y/N: alright well i have an interview as well so I'll see you later.

Gene walks away and i knock on the door and Aphmau opens it.

Aphmau: hey Y/N! Come in, come in!

I walk in and lean on the rail of her stairs.

Aphmau: you don't want to sit down on the couch?

Y/N: I'm fine, i was already sitting down doing nothing all morning so yeah.

Aphmau: alrighty then let's get started.

The interview finished and Aphmau was talking to me about stuff and i don't know what.

Aphmau: your application is really good, so that means you got the job!

Y/N: really? Well thanks, do you guys need help with the place?

Aphmau: yes please! Kawaii~Chan is already there so you can go ahead and go there.

Y/N: alright

I left her house and went to where the future Maid Cafe is going to be. When i got there I see Kawaii~Chan on a table with different kinds of fabric.

Y/N: hey Kawaii~Chan, what are you doing?

KC: hi Ms. Y/N! I'm just trying to come up with different ideas fir the maid uniforms. I just can't get anything

Y/N: oh well i can't help you there, but what do i help with here?

KC: you can just set up tables and everything

Y/N: ok

Time skip~

I'm at home laying down on the couch, when Travis walks in.

Travis: heyyyy Y/N

Y/N: what do you want? Can't you see that I'm tired?

Travis: okay okay, sheesh...OH! Did you get the job?

Y/N: yeah, and its a lot of work

Travis: well I'm sure Laurence~ would be very excited to hear about this *wink* *wink*

Y/N: why would he be excited?

Travis: you'll find out soon enough

Travis walks away and i just continue laying in bed. 'What did he mean that Laurence would be excited? Why would Laurence be excited?' I decided to go sleep even though its only 9:26 pm. I went to my room and when i got to my bed Laurence texted me but i wasn't going to reply because I'm tired.


L- CONGRATULATIONS Y/N! Travis told me you got the job at the Maid Cafe! I'll be excited to see you work there! Byeee 😚🖒

'He always makes me the happiest person on earth'

HIIIIIII GUYYYYYYYS!!!! Ok! So I'm soooo sorry it literally took me a week to do this but i had mid terms to study for, i had to raise my grades for Physics and Spanish, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Day After Emma out ~✌

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