Chapter 2~ jealous Laurence?

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Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
R/N~ random name

Your P.O.V

I couldn't sleep last night with Travis's snoring and Dante's rambles. I walk down the stairs to see Dante talking to Travis and Travis is sitting down on a crate.

Travis: Oh hey Y/N! How did you sleep?

Travis asked while jumping off the crate.

Y/N: With your snoring and Dante's rambles, not to mention we're sleeping on the floor, i guess i slept alright

I lied, i slept like i was sleeping in a zoo.

Y/N: So Travis, why you look so down?

Travis sighed.

Travis: Katelyn hasn't been replying to my texts

I stood there thinking until Dante speaks.

Dante: maybe she's busy with the move and all that, we have been living here for a week now

Y/N: yeah and still haven't furnished the house

I say with my hand on my hip.

Travis: You know what, let's go buy groceries, I'm getting tired of buying take out 

Dante: But i love take out!

Y/N: well i don't know about you but I'm going grocery shopping with Katelyn and Kawaii~chan, because i know you guys won't buy actual groceries

Travis: hey! For your information I actually buy groceries!

Dante and I both arched an eyebrow at Travis statement with our arms crossed.

Y/N: yeah whatever, I'll be back later

I walked out of the house and went with Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan to the grocery store.


Me and the girls were in the grocery store and as i went to go do my own thing, i accidentally bumped into a guy, dropping my phone at the process.

Y/N: Sorry i wasn't looking

I bent down to pick up my phone that fell, as did the guy who hit his head against mine.

Luis: Heh sorry about that, my names Luis

Y/N: Uh my name is Y/N, it's completely fine though

Laurence P.O.V (OMG twist)

I was in the grocery store to buy food for the house, cause I'm getting tired of buying take out food. I was walking until i thought i heard Y/N's laughter. 'I'd recognize her laugh anywhere.' I finally saw where she was and i saw she was talking to a guy. 'Who is that?! Wait...why am i getting jealous?' I hid behind the juice aisle and listened to what they were talking about.

Luis: So, do you have a boyfriend?

'The nerve of that guy!'

Y/N: Uhhhh no not really. I mean, no? No I don't

Luis: well since you're single, how's about I get your number?

I felt myself gritting my teeth and almost crushing the juice box I unconsciously grabbed.

Katelyn: Laurance?

I quickly turned around to see Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn, with Katelyn's arms crossing and Kawaii~Chan trying not to fangirl.

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