Chapter 7~ what is this?

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Hey guys, sorry about the last chapter being really short, I was in a rush cause i had to go to the hospital. 😂

Things you need to know:

Y/N~ your name
E/C~ eye color
H/L~ hair length
H/C~ hair color
N/N~ nick name
F/C~ favorite color


Your P.O.V

I was at my house watching Netflix when suddenlyi got a phone call. I saw that Aaron was calling me, i was about to answer but there is this movie i wanted to see, so i hanged up and started to watch the movie.

I was receiving phone calls from Aaron all day! I finally called back.

Aaron: Y/--

Y/N: what do you want that i have 30 missed calls from you!?

Aaron: oh you know how Aphmau isn't a great cook when it comes to following a recipe in pages?

Y/N: yea..?

Aaron: well i need you to come over for dinner along with her mom Silvana and Erick

Y/N: hell no

Aaron: why?!

Y/N: because i don't know what you did, but ever since she found out i was your sister, she started hating my guts!

Aaron: just come over, bring Laurence if you want!

Y/N: why would i bring Laurence?

Aaron: well i know you have a crush on him so bring him over

Y/N: w-what do y-you mean i h-have a c-c-crush on him?

Aaron: never mind that, just please come over, i already told Aphmau your coming over

Y/N: ughhhh fine I'll see you later

I hang up and i walk iver to Garroth and Laurence house. I knock on the door and i see Zane opens the door.

Y/N: hey Zane is Laurence here?

Zane: Laurence is in his room downstairs doing i don't know what, but you can just walk in

Y/N: ok thanks

I walk inside their house and make my way to Laurence room. I went down the stairs and heard him talking to i suppose Cadenza.

Laurence: i don't know Cadenza, i really like her and she's been my best friend since high school, she's different. She's the one i truly love.....i don't know how to get her to be mine, all i did in high school was play with her emotions, and then i never got to see her after high school until i came back from our parents house i saw her with Aaron and i just got really happy. I would have never thought i would see her beautiful face again....

I went back upstairs and sat on the couch with Garroth. I was just sitting down taking in all that Laurence was saying. 'Was it me that he was talking about?' Maybe he was talking about Lucinda, i did see how he was defending Lucinda at her party, i left afterwards but i would never know. I was just in my thoughts until Garroth got me out of them.

Garroth: what's the matter Y/N?

Y/N: nothing really just thinking

Garroth: on?

Y/N: on what i accidentally heard

Garroth: Laurence doesn't have anybody down there so if you heard some weird noices he's probab-

Y/N: *covers his mouth* I'm going to stop you there

Garroth: hey Y/N: i have a question for you

Y/N: what is it?

Garroth: how is it that you were so nice in high school, but when we saw you again after high school you got a boring face all the time, even right now

Y/N: high scholl really did mess me up, especially with Gene always picking on me

Garroth: well that's all in the past

Y/N: i know...but it's hard to go back to that old Y/N...i have to go, Aaron invited me to dinner today bye

I walked out the house and went straight to Aaron's house. I rang the doorbell and Aphmau answered it

Aphmau: oh Y/N! Hi, come in! I'll get the food ready in a bit just take a seat

I stood quiet and walked inside and i saw Aaron by the pot...he's a real pothead...(😂 pun intended).

A while later Silvana and Erick came in, as usual Erick said hi to me while Silvana gave me and Aaron evil stares. I took a bite of the food and immediately i spit it out.

Erick: this is delicious

Silvana: delicious?! This is the worst meal i have ever ate! I'm guessing Aaron and his little witch lost cooking talents in high school

Erick: Silvana no!

I looked at Aphmau and she looked like she was about to cry, she did and ran into the closet and her mom following her trying to make her feel better. I hope Aaron doesn't marry her or Silvana is going to annoying.

Omg i actually updated! 😂😂 I'll update another day Day After Emma out~ ✌

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