Chapter 44~ You should Never be Alone

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Hey guys! I didn't want to torture you guys any longer so here is Chapter 44 and I'll update next week, or maybe tomorrow 😉

~Aaron's P.O.V~

I woke up with very bright light everywhere. I realized I was on a bed and i looked to my left and saw Y/N laying down next to me. She looked peaceful. I looked away and saw a person with a goddess outfit looking thing.

Lady: looks like you're awake

Aaron: where am I?

Lady: don't worry, you're safe here. Nothing here will hurt you

Aaron: who are you?

Lady: an old friend, you and Y/N always managed to get yourselves into trouble every once and a while

Aaron: are we...

Lady: well... yes and no

Aaron: ....

Lady: that girl really hurt you in more ways than one

I tried holding in my tears. But how did Y/N get here if I'm dead?

Lady: I'm guessing death was the easy part. Her words pierced your heart didn't It?

Aaron: *cries* it all happened didn't it. I fell

She nodded.

Aaron: she had a knife. And forced me to that ledge

I punched the box behind me causing it to have a dent.

Aaron: i should've turned her! I should've done what he said

Lady: you doubt yourself?

Aaron: of course I do! Y/N wouldn't have been dead! I failed as a boyfriend and a brother! I would've done anything for her annd I froze! I saw how she tried to stop her but i was just frozen!

Lady: you couldn't stop from anyone finding out what you really are and when the person you love the most found out

Aaron: everything she said it was true. All my life I've been alone. I had to be. I was a danger to everyone. A monster

Lady: you will never be able to open yourself up of you are scared of what you are. Aaron, you and Y/N need to accept who you are

Aaron: we were raised to be alone

Lady: it's a shame. You aren't the man I remember

Aaron: huh?

Lady: the Aaron i remembered wouldn't allow a minor setback to bring you down. Even with everything lost, you press on

Aaron: minor setback?! The woman i love is in danger and my own little sister is dead! And you call it a minor setback?!

Lady: exactly. She's in danger, being dead almost made you forget. There are people who are in danger Aaron. People you care deeply about. Are you just going to give up? And forget them?

Aaron: I...

Lady: maybe you should...after all the woman you loved caused this

Aaron: NO! She would never do this! It was never her fault! I love her! I will never give up on her! I will do anything to keep her safe

Lady: you always have. Do you want to go back?

Aaron: of course I do! Aphmau...Lucinda.. Zane, Garroth.... Y/N... i May not have told them everything about me, but they care about me. They're the closest thing to family that i have. I will not let them have them!

The Little Sister 《||Lovers Lane, Laurance x Reader||》Where stories live. Discover now