Chapter 10~ sick day

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A/N: ok so in this chapter its going to be your pov that you got sick, aphmau still gets sick but after the cooking thing you got sick let's get to the story!

Your P.O.V

I was on my bed under the blankets. I am currently sick with a flu and Dante is taking care of me because Travis is to scared to get sick.

Dante: hey Y/N

Y/N: *sneeze* why are you wearing a gas mask? *sneeze*

Dante: bless you and because Travis isn't the only one who doesn't want to get sick

Y/N: well it would be a shame if i got you sick

Dante: don't you dare cough on me or I'll call Laurence

Y/N: why is calling Laurence a threat?

Dante: because i know you have a crush on him!

Y/N: you knew ever since senior year!

Dante: oh right

Y/N: and anyways he doesn't like me back so

Dante: well i wouldn't doubt that but whatever you think, I'm going to call Laurence to say your sick, and Aaron


Dante: why not Aaron?

Y/N: he'll get super over protective

Gene: well by the looks of it, he already is

Y/N: well Gene when did we ever include you into the conversation?

Gene: i enter in my own conversations

Y/N: whatever, I'm too sick to complain and fight with you

Dante: I'm going to call Laurence, be right back

Dante leaves the room and Gene sits on his bed and plays with his phone. How is he not complaining that I'm sick? Oh well, better for me.

Y/N: *sneeze*

Gene: bless you Kitty

Y/N: excuse me?

Gene: your excused

Y/N: I'm going over to Aaron's

Gene: HA! no you're staying in bed, you're too sick to go anywhere

Y/N: you're not my mom and anyways i feel better

Gene: you don't sound like you do

Y/N: whatever I'm going

I arrive at Aaron's house and he takes a while to answer the door until i rang the bell again and he finally answers.

Aaron: WHAT NOW?!

Y/N: i haven't even called you

Aaron: omi sorry Y/N, wait...why do you look sick?

Y/N: i have the flu but it's okay, I'm fine

Aaron: no you're not I'm taking you to Laurence

Y/N: why does everyone want me to go to Laurence? Its not like he's my boyfriend and he'll actually take care of me, and anyways you're my brother aren't you suppose to be taking care of me?

Aaron: sorry sis but I'm taking care of Aphmau, she got sick as well

Y/N: well then I'll stay in your house

Aaron: alright fine, but I'm still calling Laurence

Y/N: whatever

I sit on the couch and I hear Aaron call Laurence.

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