Chapter 29~ messiest house on the street!

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~Dante's P.O.V~

Dante: what in the world? How did...what?! I don't even know what that is! Travis! Wake up!

Travis: mmm

Dante: Travis!

Travis: hmhm Katelyn..*chuckles* oh you

Dante: wake UP! *punches Travis*

Travis: what the Dante? How could you?!

Dante: how could i?! How could you?!

Travis: you woke me from the best dream ever!

Dante: about Katelyn?!

Travis: yes, she was delivering pizzas and she managed to get me discounts on them!

Dante: that wasn't exactly what i was expecting

Travis: they were heart shaped pizzas!

Dante: they were? Oh would you look at that

Travis: what?

Dante: all the cares i gave about your Katelyn pizza dream went out the window!

Travis: why are you so mean Dante, you're just like Y/N on a regular basis

Dante: because look at this mess! You're lucky Y/N is working right now or else she would dig our graves in the back yard a long with all this trash in our graves!

Travis: heheheh, what mess?

Dante: don't play dumb! Travis this is the worst mess you've made yet, and Y/N blames the both of us! I'm tired of always having to clean up after you!

Travis: i can explain

Dante: please do

Travis: i was up...all night...watching YouTube, here want to see Pooptiepie's new vid?

Dante: no, pooptiepie can not get you out of this one, and i don't want Y/N getting mad at me again! Travis I'm holding you accountable

Travis: ohh hey, like you don't hold youtself accountable?

Dante: for what?!

Travis: come on Dante, you leave the kitchen a mess when you cook like last night! You also leave the outside a wreck when you plant your begonias!

Dante: hey i cook and keeping the yard in shape is important!

Travis: i don't even eat your cooking! I eat Y/N's! And its still winter!

Dante: you take that back!

Travis: your begonias are die!

Dante: *gasp* you.take.that.back Travis! Or should i say...Trash bish, since you're so messy!

Travis: *gasp* you're a dirty liar!

Dante: those are fighting words!

Travis: fine! Then let's have a clean off, first one to clean up the entire house by the time Y/N comes back from work and keep it clean, wins, loser has to do all the chores for a month!

Dante: and plant the begonias!

Travis: and that!

Dante: deal!

Travis: fine!

Dante: when do we start?!

*stomach growls*

Travis: how about after breaskfast?

Dante: *sighs* fine I'll make breakfasr, but theb its the clean off of death!

The Little Sister 《||Lovers Lane, Laurance x Reader||》Where stories live. Discover now