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A/N: Hi, guys! I am so glad to finally be starting this book! :D Here is the Prologue - I hope you enjoy it!! It's a little different from the Prologues I've written before :3

"Mummy!" my daughter came running up to me with her brother and holding a messy piece of paper, "Mummy, look! Me and Adam drew a picture of you, and daddy, and us!"

I smiled down at her tiredly; gently taking the scribbly drawing and inspecting it more carefully.

"It's beautiful!" I tried to sound as enthusiastic as I could, "How long did you two work on this?"

"It doesn't matter, mummy," my son spoke up happily, "we were happy to do it!"

"Well, it's a very pretty picture," I smiled down at both of them, "well done, both of you," I then stood up and straightened out my dress, "now, are we ready to go to kindy?"

"Yes!" The two of them said cheerfully.

I chuckled softly. "And you can both draw even more beautiful pictures."

"Yes, mummy! We will! Won't we, Hazel?" Adam looked at his sister.

"Uh-huh!" Hazel grinned, "C'mon, mummy, let's go to kindy!"

"I'm coming," I shut my laptop and stood up from my chair, hurriedly going after my over-excited four-year-olds as they both ran towards the front door.

The three of us made it outside and piled into the car; and I snuck a smile at both of them sitting in the back seat before starting up the engine.


"Good morning, Deidre," Catherine – Adam & Hazel's favourite caretaker, and one of my good friends, smiled at me as she saw me enter through the gate with my kids, "how are you?"

"Morning, Catherine," I gave her a faint smile, "could be better. Today's making me a bit anxious,"

"I don't blame you," she looked at me sympathetically, "has there been, er...any word?"

"Not yet," I sighed.

"Do Adam & Hazel know?"

"Not yet," I said again with an anxious bite of my lip, "I...don't know how to tell them,"

"Well, I reckon they'd both be a bit surprised if they come home today and see-"

"I know," I interrupted her quickly, "I'll...figure something out. Thanks, Catherine."

"Anytime, Deidre," she smiled at me.

I smiled back faintly and took a deep breath before putting on a bigger smile to face Adam & Hazel.

"Since when does mummy not get a cuddle?" I pretended to pout at them.

They both giggled and ran to me as I crouched down with open arms, and they leaped towards me and threw their arms around my neck – making me laugh.

"Goodbye, my darlings," I whispered to them, "have a wonderful day."

"Bye, mummy!" Hazel said with a grin.

"We love you!" Adam chimed in happily.

They both gave me smacking, sloppy kisses on both my cheeks; and I smiled brightly before kissing both of them back. I then reluctantly released them from my arms – watching them with a distant smile as they ran off into their kindy. I then sighed and rose unsteadily to my feet; biting my lip and lowering my eyes as a feeling of loneliness suddenly washed over me.

"Don't worry, Deidre," Catherine smiled at me, "we'll take good care of them."

"I know," I smiled back, "goodbye, Catherine."

She waved goodbye to me as I left through the gate once again; climbing back into my car and starting it up.

I had barely been on the road for five minutes when my phone suddenly rang. A glimmer of hope rushed through me as I began to pray that this was the call I'd been waiting for since I'd woken up this morning. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road and answered the call without checking the Caller ID.

"Hello?" I said into the phone a little too eagerly.

"Hey," my best friend's voice replied, "just checking in with you, Deids."

"Oh," I deflated a little, "hey, Charlie."

"Don't sound too excited to hear from me," I could tell she was rolling her eyes, "but...I suppose I can't blame you. I guess you were expecting a different call. Today's the day, huh?"

"Uh-huh," I swallowed nervously.

"Any word yet?"

"Not yet," I replied with a sigh, "I'm beginning to think they changed their minds."

"Hey – no. Don't start with the pessimism," she told me sternly, "they'll call you, Deids. I promise they will. Or if they don't call, then they'll at least try to contact you in some other way."

"Yeah – I know," I bit my lip, "I'm sorry, Charlie. I'm just...getting worked up."

"I'm sure you are. But...just try to stay positive, OK?"

"Mhmm," I nodded.

"Good. I'll call you later, OK?"

"Yeah," I nodded again, "bye, Charlie."

"Bye, Deids."

I ended the call with another deep sigh; breathing in & out shakily before starting up the car and driving off once again.


When I got back home, I sat back down in front of my laptop and opened it; unable to stop myself from checking my email. I felt my face light up as I saw that I had one unread message, but I deflated completely as I realised that it was just an email from Noelle – my secretary.

Good morning, Mrs Styles,

As you requested, attached are the résumés of the five new applicants from last week. I do understand that today is a big day for you, but it would be greatly appreciated if you could even just look them over.

Best wishes from me and all of your staff about today.



I sighed and rubbed my eyes stressfully, tapping out a quick 'Thank-you' reply to Noelle and exiting my email – deliberately ignoring her requests to look over the attached résumés and instead shutting my laptop and letting out a shaky sigh.

What's going on?

Why aren't they contacting me?

Oh God, please. Please tell me they haven't changed their minds.

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