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Oh, and just for the record, obviously I have no idea how wedding planners help couples arrange their weddings. So I'm literally just winging it and also going by what I've seen in the actual movie The Wedding Planner. So, yeah – sorry if any of this stuff with Stella seems inaccurate or whatever.

"No way," I said with a laugh, "Harry, you are not going to do that!"

"Oh yes I am," he replied with a chuckle, "I'm gonna stick my head straight up your dress, bite right down on that garter, and drag it all the way down your leg with my teeth. In front of everybody."

"No!" I laughed again, "Stella, tell him that he can't do that!"

Stella laughed as well. "I'm sorry, Deidre. I may be the wedding planner, but at the end of the day, if the bride or groom wants to do something their way, it's not my place to object," she then smiled at me, "but don't worry. When couples choose to include the tradition of the removal of the bride's garter during the reception, the groom deciding to remove it with their teeth is more common than you think."

"He only wants to do it because he knows my wedding night lingerie will be under my dress the whole time. He wants to stick his head up my dress so that he can have himself a sneak peek before the wedding's over," I swatted Harry across the arm.

"Fuck. She knows me too well," Harry chuckled again, "but before you judge me, Stella, the bloody thing is from Agent Provocateur. And not knowing what it looks like at all has been killing me."

Stella couldn't help laughing a second time. "Well, Agent Provocateur does make some truly amazing lingerie, so I can imagine how impatient you must be."

"Thank you," Harry said with a smile.

I let out a long, exaggerated sigh before chuckling softly. "Alright, Harry. I guess I can't stop you. And besides..." I smirked at him, "you won't even be seeing the whole thing anyway."

"Hey, I'll take what I can get," he smirked right back at me – making me roll my eyes and shake my head at him amusedly.

"Anyway, you two, the wedding is a month away, and I say that we're making excellent progress," she flicked through all the folders and files sitting on the table, "we have very few things left to do."

"That's great, Stella," I said with a smile, and Harry smiled as well and nodded in agreement.

"What's the next step for us?" He asked.

"Well, I've spent the past week or so researching hotels for your wedding night and your honeymoon. I came across hundreds of beautiful hotels – all very reasonably priced – but keeping in mind your own personal tastes, I've narrowed it down to three hotels for you to choose from in Milan, and two in Paris."

"Oh, really?" Harry's eyebrows rose.

"Yes," she nodded and smiled, "I've saved pictures of examples of suites in each hotel," she took her iPad from her large bag and started tapping at it, "just give me a moment..." she then cleared her throat, "what would you like to see first? The hotels I found in Paris, or the hotels I found in Milan?"

"Er..." I bit my lip, "Milan, maybe? I mean, it is where we're going first, in terms of hotels."

"Yeah," Harry nodded in agreement, "and besides, there's three of them to choose from as opposed to two in Paris. May as well get the bigger one out of the way."

"Alright," she smiled at us again, "well, the three hotels I've chosen for you are the Armani Milano, the Palazzo Parigi, and the Chateau Monfort. I've renamed the photos so you know exactly which hotel provides each type of suite."

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