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A/N: Yeah, so um, I meant to put the engagement party in this chapter, but the first part I added became too long so I just opted for smut instead :p lol, so this chapter isn't very eventful tbh. But I hope you like it anyway :p


"Dad, can you change the channel already?" I said with a groan, "Nobody wants to watch the news!"

"Honey, just let me watch a few headlining stories, alright?" He told me.

"But The Bachelor is starting any minute on ABC!" I protested.

"It's good to keep up with current events, Natalie," my mother said, "and, besides – lots of these news stories can be very interesting."

"Oh, that'll be the day," I scoffed, "whatever, just make it quick. I have to see if that kiss-ass bitch Mikayla gets eliminated tonight."

Neither of my parents chose to reply to my comment and instead focused their attention on the TV – and I immediately rolled my eyes.

"Now, for our top story tonight," one of the news anchors was saying, "the now-retired top businessman Desmond Styles publicly and happily announced the engagement of his son, 24-year-old Harry Styles, after he & his wife Anne Styles were spotted in Trafalgar Square yesterday - where they were chased up by a few local London journalists who had heard rumours of the engagement and were hoping for his answer on the matter. He willingly confirmed all of the stories circling around the engagement, and was more than happy to let his answer air on national UK television. His wife, however, refused to speak to the media about the subject."

"Come on!" I groaned again, "Who the hell even cares about this? Dad, just change the damn channel!"

"Hang on, sweetie," my dad held his hand up to me, "I've heard of these billionaire Styleses in the UK before. Just give it a few more minutes."

"Harry's engagement is, as the media had already expected, to his current partner 22-year-old Deidre Winter – the flourishing new manager of the Jade Plaza Hotel – one of the greatest 5-star hotels in London."

I immediately spat my water back into its cup.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, "Deidre, engaged?! Did I hear that right?!"

"I don't..." my father's voice trailed away and he shook his head in disbelief, "hang on a minute..."

He picked up the remote and immediately rewound the show a few seconds back – pressing play just before the news anchor started talking about Deidre.

"Harry's engagement is, as the media had already expected, to his current partner 22-year-old Deidre Winter – the young and flourishing new manager of the Jade Plaza Hotel – one of the greatest 5-star establishments in London."

My jaw immediately dropped.

How in the fuck is Deidre engaged to a billionaire?!

"Who is this guy?!" I demanded, "Will there be any pictures? Do they usually show pictures here?!"

"They should show some pictures, or some paparazzi footage," said my dad, "and they'd better, because I want to know who this guy is, too."

"I mean...he can't be that spectacular, right?" I turned to my parents, "Because, like, Deidre is...Deidre. Right?"

"The couple have been together for approximately a year, sources say," the news anchor continued, "and, according to Desmond, the two of them have already been engaged for nearly a month."

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