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"So you'll give it a go?"

"You bet I will," my good friend Adrian Antonelli promised with a smile, "I completely trust your judgement, Harry. If you say I won't regret it, then I know I won't regret it."

"Thank you so much," I shook his hand gratefully, "you're the best, Adrian."

"Not a problem," he chuckled, "you'll drop by again soon, won't you?"

"You bet," I smiled at him and began to head towards the way out, "and you will make that call tonight, won't you?"

"Yes, Harry," Adrian laughed, "I promise."

"Thanks, man!" I called out before leaving the building.

And now for my next stop...facing the claws and fangs of my mother for whatever she's pissed off about this time. She had called me earlier today - ordering me to stop by at the house before I went back home. She'd tried to hide it - but I knew something had ticked her off. I guess it's something to do with her stupid dinner party...and what I'm gonna face is yet another lecture about how much I embarrassed her whenever one of her guests asked me where I was.

I got into my car and began to make the drive to Primrose Hill - which was only a few minutes away from where I already was. Soon enough I was pulling into the affluent residential area, and parking at the end of my mother's driveway.

"Here goes nothing," I stifled a groan before climbing out of my car - using my key remote to lock it as I made my way towards the front door.

I pressed the doorbell and waited impatiently as the elegant tune rang out from within the house. Moments later, the old family butler Derek had opened the door, and he nodded at me.

"Mr Styles," he said, "your mother is waiting."

"Make it snappy then," I narrowed my eyes at him as he let me into the house.

Derek nodded again and led me to the closed door of the drawing room; opening it for me without a word.

"Wait in here, please," he finally spoke up, "Mrs Styles will come and see you shortly."

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and walked into the drawing room - huffing as Derek closed the door on me, and I heard his footsteps walking away.

"Hi Harry," A familiar sickly sweet voice purred at me.

Oh no.

Out of all the rooms in this bloody house, my mother just has to put me in the same one as Vanessa Romano.

"Christ, do you live here now?" I snapped at her.

"No," she smirked at me and stood up from where she had been perching on the window seat, "your mum just invites me over a lot. She's real fond of me, you know."

"Really? I've never noticed," I said with a scoff, "I always thought she kept you around just to help herself...hoping you could win me over and miraculously become the woman I want to marry and have kids with. Too bad you've failed so miserably - just like all the other sluts my mother's tried to hook me up with," I glared at her.

"Harry!" I heard my mother's voice snap from the drawing room door, "How could you talk to Vanessa like that?!"

Realising that I was now really gonna cop it - I only rolled my eyes before impatiently turning to her.

"Well, mother, what is it you want now?" I snapped.

"Come with me, please," she beckoned out of the room, and I begrudgingly obliged.

Ruffled ~ H.SWhere stories live. Discover now