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"Oh, my!" Jacqueline said with a chuckle, "Yes – Baby A is definitely a boy, Mr and Mrs Styles. He's very proudly showing off to us right now."

"Aww!" I had to let out a laugh as I looked at the screen, "Harry – I think you might need to teach our baby boy some manners after he's born."

Harry laughed as well. "Hey, according to my father, I was doing the exact same thing when I was still in the womb."

"Oh, wow," I rolled my eyes and giggled, "you're both just as bad as each other, then."

Harry laughed again. "Yeah. I guess we are," he then gently nudged the right side of my belly, "but not so much flaunting once you come out, alright buddy?"

"Right – so, let's see if Baby B will be just as co-operative as their brother, shall we?" Jacqueline asked us as she moved her transducer a little further to the left of my belly, "So, little one, are you gonna put an end to your mummy and daddy's curiosity today?"

"D'you see anything?" I asked the sonographer hopefully.

Jacqueline blew out a puff of air and shook her head. "This baby hasn't been very co-operative, I'm afraid. Those legs are still firmly crossed – just like last time. I still can't see the genitalia."

"Maybe that means it's a girl since she's so reserved?" Harry suggested with a soft chuckle.

I saw that he was trying to pass it off as a joke, but I knew my husband too well. That joke was a comment of hope in disguise. Because even though I know he's gonna love our son like there's no tomorrow, I also know how much he wants a daughter.

"Hmm...I guess we'll have to see," said Jacqueline, "since not even going around for little walks in hope of making our mystery baby move seems to work, we might have to wait another week or two – and then just see if the stubborn little tot will move on its own."

"So...come back once we're up to 21 or 22 weeks?" I asked.

Jaqueline nodded. "These next two weeks might be the last chances you have to discover Baby B's gender. Any time after that might be too late for me to figure it out. Hopefully, mystery bubba will soon become nice and co-operative – just like your son chilling out on the right here – and then you can finally make a start on some proper baby shopping."

"And if the baby doesn't co-operate?" asked Harry.

"Well...then I'm afraid you might have to wait until the twins' birth to find out the sex of Baby B," Jacqueline replied, "but, let's just see what he or she does over the next couple of weeks first. You can stop by for an appointment on both weeks, if you want."

"I think we probably will do that," I looked up at Harry, "what do you think?"

Harry immediately nodded. "Please do book us in for both weeks, Jacqueline."

"Will do," the sonographer nodded back, "I'm very sorry I still couldn't work it out."

"Oh, it's not your fault. This little one is clearly just determined to keep us in suspense for a little longer," I assured her with a smile.

Harry nodded once more in agreement. "Don't worry, Jacqueline. Thank you very much for seeing us all the same. Because we still got a confirmation for our son, didn't we Deids?"

"Absolutely," my smile grew, "having one of the genders fully confirmed is still wonderful, Jacqueline."

"Well, if you say so," she finally smiled back at us, "I guess I'll see you both next week, then – and hopefully your baby will stop being so secretive," she chuckled.

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