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-One year later-

"Deids?" Pia poked her head around the door to the maids' locker room.

"Yes, Pia?" I couldn't look away from my locker mirror since I was still trying to tie up my white triangle-shaped apron.

"I passed Noelle on the way here," she continued, "she told me to let you know that Mr Antonelli wants to see you – when you feel like it, he says. She said it was important, though."

"Oh...OK," I began to bite my lip a little nervously as I finally finished to tie my apron in a secure knot, "I'll go over there now."

"Sure," said Pia, "and don't worry, Deidre – I'm pretty sure you're not in trouble. The way Noelle passed it sounded like he had some good news."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me immediately – and I began to smile.

"Good luck, Deids," Pia was now smiling back at me.

"Thanks, Pia," I whispered and squeezed her shoulder before leaving the maids' locker room and taking the elevator to the office floor.

I'm more than proud to say that I have really blossomed in my job this past year. I knew the hotel like the back of my hand now – therefore I could scurry around the place pretty quickly – even with a maid's cart. I'd developed a great business relationship with Mr Antonelli as well – he was the one who encouraged me to apply for the management training programme they were offering to give a winning applicant this year.

Charlie was doing great too. Her brother promoted her to assistant manager of The Panther last month. She's become great at serving beers and making small talk – all the customers absolutely loved her – and the amount of regulars at the bar was growing so quickly. Not only that – but she & Niall are actually dating now – and their 4-month anniversary is coming up in a week.

And as for my love life?'s still non-existent.

'But what about Harry?' You ask, 'You guys were totally hitting it off!'

Yeah...that's what I thought, too.

But I haven't even heard from him, let alone seen him ever since he left for that so-called 'business conference' in Los Angeles. He never called me like he promised – and it shattered me for a really long time. 

I mean, sure – he did warn me that when it comes to business in Los Angeles, he can be gone for quite a while.

But a year?

I don't think so.

He probably didn't even go to any 'conference'. Maybe I pushed it too far...scared him away by inviting him for dancing & drinks and then telling him so many personal things in one night.

Or maybe he did go to Los Angeles...maybe he found a new flashy American girl and forgot all about me.

Either way, I don't really care anymore. He wasn't who I thought he was...and that's that.

The elevator dinged and the doors slowly parted – and I stepped into the office floor, in front of Noelle's desk.

"Ah, Miss Winter," the secretary greeted me with a smile, "go right in. Mr Antonelli is waiting."

"Thanks, Mrs Hayward," I gave her a thankful nod and made my way to Mr Antonelli's closed office doors – rapping my knuckles quietly on the expensive wood and waiting for him to call me in.

"Miss Winter?" I heard him call out from inside his office.

"Yes, sir," I called back.

"Excellent! Come in, please."

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