Complicated Love: See me after class

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Chapter 1: Complicated Love- See me after class

*Haley's POV*

I groaned as my alarm clock went off. I started college today and I wasn't looking forward to it. I always hated the work and my teachers were always mean. I slowly crept away from my

comfy bed as I made my way to the bathroom. I stripped of all my clothes and crawled into the shower. The warm water soothed me as I washed my hair and body. When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body and ran to my room. I looked through my closet and set on a baby pink dress that goes to my knee and some matching flats. I put on a white beaded necklace and some 1D wristbands. Don't judge. I love them. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I curled it then sprayed it to keep in place. I put on mascara, foundation, eye shadow and blusher and looked in the mirror. Perfect! I went downstairs and made some eggs. After eating, I grabbed my things, applied light lip gloss and ran out the door to go to school. As soon as I got there, I grabbed my schedule and hurried to Professor M's room. I sat in the very front and got out my materials for the day. I waited for class to start as I stared into space. "Alright class take your seats. I am your professor, Mr. Malik" he announced. Oh my god, no way! He stared straight at me as he walked in. He continued to stare as he got lost in my eyes as I did the same. "Um Professor?" a girl asked to get his attention. "Oh sorry. Um, ahem. Class first we will begin to learn about each other. Let's start with you" he said, pointing to me. I stood up and said "I'm Haley. I'm 19 and I love writing" I announced, sitting back down. "Thank you Haley lovely" he replied winking. Was that a flirt? He went around the room and this all went on until he said my name. "Haley?" he called. "Y-yes?" I stuttered. "See me after class".

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