Complicated Love: Chapter 62

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I am so mean...

I am extremely sorry I lied about when I was gonna update but here's the story,

I swear on my life I was going to update that day I told you all I would but then I was told that my aunt went into labor and I had to go visit her in the hospital and then Halloween came 'round so I didn't have any time. 

Again, I am so sorry but I hope you enjoy this long chapter.

And thank you for 7.3K reads!!(:

*Haley's POV*

Today, I am getting married. The day I have been waiting for nearly 20 years is finally here. I still can't believe that I am marrying Zayn. It seems like just yesterday, my green eyes met his.

Right now, Danyelle is doing my makeup while Evelynne is doing my hair. My dress is already on: a chiffon mid-thigh length white dress with sequins and tiny, intricate lace detailing. "Hurry up" I whine, just wanting to be married already. "Calm down, I'm almost done" they both tell me patiently. As you can tell, my excitement is off the charts and I am growing quite impatient. A sigh escapes my lips as Danyelle starts putting on my lip gloss. "And you're perfect" they smile, stepping back to let me see myself in the mirror. "Oh my god" I gasp. I look beautiful! "Thank you both so much" I smile, hugging them both tightly.


Just as I am about to make my entrance, I feel someone grab me, putting a cloth in my mouth. I am pulled into a room. I hear the door lock as I get a look at the kidnapper. "Jennifer?" I ask. "Miss me?" she smirks. "What the hell are you doing here?" I growl. I thought we had her all sorted out. "Getting rid of know Zayn and I were meant to be together before you came along. Now, all I need is to get you out my way for good" she explains, grabbing a notebook and a pencil. "Here. Now, write yourself a little suicide note. I'm sure you already have plenty to say" she smirks evilly. "Why should I listen to you?" I snap. "Because if you don't, I'll kill you" she threatens, pulling out a gun. I gulp and start writing, pouring my heart out onto the small sheet of paper. 

After I finish, she spills a few drops of fake blood on it. "Good. Now, follow me" she orders. Seeing as I have no choice but to follow her, I walk with her to a dark empty room in the back of the chapel. "Hide in here until I say so" she demands. I just nod, letting her  tie me up, gag me, and shove me into the closet. She locks it as I wait for my young life to end. 

*Zayn's POV*

"Where is she?" I ask Niall worriedly. "Maybe she needed to use the bathroom?" he shrugs. That's it, I'm looking for her. "Haley?" I call, running down the hall. I don't care about that bad luck crap for seeing her before the wedding; we've already endured all the bad luck we needed and more. Every room I search brings me nothing. "Where are you?" I yell, my heartbeat quickening even more. I come into the women's bathroom and see a note on the counter. As I read it, my eyes fill with tears. "She's dead?" I whisper, warm tears streaming down my face. "What's wrong Zayn?" a familiar women's voice says. "Jennifer?" I ask, looking at her. Sure enough, there she is, standing right in front of me. "She died" I whimper, running into her arms for comfort. "Shh it's okay. I'm here for you" she coos, rubbing my back soothingly as I let out a few loud sobs. My baby, my everything is gone and there's nothing I can do about it. "Zayn!" Niall screams, rushing in. "She's not dead, she's not-" Jennifer's kick to his jaw cuts him off. "Shut up you idiot" she snarls. "What's he talking about?" I sniffle. "Nothing" she quickly hisses. "She's not dead" he groans, spitting out blood. "I said shut up!" she yells, pulling out a black gun.


That's all for now. I am sorry that it's a cliffhanger hehe but I have to keep the interest high. That's how you get successful(;

I hope you liked the chapter as much as I do. And I apologize for any future delays for updating. 

Thoughts on the chapter?

See you all in the next chapter!

Love you my crazy mofos(:

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