Complicated Love-Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Complicated Love- Decisions

*Haley's POV*

Wow I have never had a such a hard conversation, let alone with a teacher! I have to talk to my roommates about this. I finally reached my room. "Evelynne, Danyelle, Caroline I need you!" I yelled, setting down my stuff. "What's cookin good lookin?" Danyelle giggled, coming in the room. "Thanks and heaps of stuff! I need to have a serious talk with you guys" I replied as the others walked in. "Huh that might require a lot of effort...but for you sure. Whats up?" she asked, sitting on the couch with the rest of us. "Zayn, our professor, likes me" I exhaled, waiting for them to flip out. "Oh my god!!" they all screamed. There it is. "Wait he told you he likes you?!" Evelynne asked. "Yeah pretty much" I answered. "And do you like him too?" Caroline asked excitedly. "Well um yes" I blushed, looking down. "Oh my god!" Danyelle screeched. "Calm yourself Dany" I laughed. "I can't; this is huge! This is like the definition of forbidden love!" she cried. "Exactly. This is illegal" Caroline pointed out. "We know. He asked if I wanted to have a secret relationship with him" I replied smiling. "What?!" they yelled. "Keep it down will you?" I spat, covering my ears. "Haley this is amazing! You're going to right?" Dany asked. "I don't know. I have to weigh the options. I said I'd have an answer tomorrow morning. I'm coming in early to tell him" I explained. "Well you have to say yes!" Dany cried. "I want to but I don't want to cause any trouble" I responded. "Haley has a point. If they get caught, both of them are dead" Caro agreed. "But this is a rare experience to have" Ev pointed out. "I know. Well I say you do it if you want. I'll support your decision either way" Caro finished. "I say go for it. This is a rare opportunity and you both like each other. Why not?" Ev said. "That leaves you Danyelle" I replied, looking at her. "Go for it! You guys look adorable together and I totally ship it. Say yes" she exclaimed excitedly. "Alright I made my decision"

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