Complicated Love: Chapter 29

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Thank you so much for 271 reads!! That means so much to me and I know I probably say it too much but it's true. You guys are the best readers ever and I wouldn't trade you for anything(: Thanks for always staying by my side through this fanfic and being amazing<3 💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞💋😘 i will be updating in a few days ciao for now i love you all

so much

Chapter 29: Complicated Love- Liam's in Trouble

*Haley's POV*

He kissed me. He actually kissed me! Again! I pulled away instantly. "Liam stop! Just get away from me! How could you ever expect me to like you if you're going to ruin my relationship?!" I yelled. "I'm sorry. I just can't help it. You're magnetic" he apologized. "I don't care. You're ruining our friendship! Don't come near me; don't even talk to me!" I screamed. Before I fully got out the door, he pulled me back. "I'm sorry. I'll never do it again. And if you ever tell Zayn, I'll deny....everything" he warned dramatically, leaving the room. Ugh, why did he have to make it so complicated? I left to go downstairs and Zayn came up to me with an excited face. "Guess what?" he asked. "What?" I asked, faking a smile. "I quit my job at the university and Harry hooked me up with a job as an artist for a huge video game company!" he cried. This is great! He's always loved art. "That's amazing! Congratulations!" I smiled, throwing my arms around him. "Thanks! I also have a list of good online colleges you could attend" he grinned. "Awww thank you! I'll check them out later. I really need to take a break from all the excitement" I hugged him again. "I understand. Do you want to go get some lunch?" he asked sweetly. He is literally the best boyfriend ever. He is so sweet! I know in my heart that he'll be an amazing father. "That sounds perfect actually. Do you guys want to come?" I asked, trying to be polite. "Sure" everyone replied except Liam. "Liam why don't you want to come?" Zayn questioned. "I'm not hungry. Besides, I have papers to grade" he lied. "Oh well see you later then" Zayn frowned. We all piled into the car and drove to Wendy's. After ordering, we divided into 2 tables and sat down. "So Haley are you telling your parents yet?" Louis asked. "I will in a few days. I'm just really nervous because they have high expectations of me. What if they blow up?" I rambled.

Con. 29:

"Well maybe warm them up to it. Get them a gift then let them know gently" he suggested. "That's smart. Thanks Lou" I smiled at him. "No problem" he returned the smile. "Food's here!" Niall exclaimed. "Yay!" I squealed. Me and Niall both love food so much. The others laughed as we dug in. The whole time was spent talking and laughing. At one point, I'd actually forgotten about Liam. Speaking of, I need to tell Danyelle and see what she thinks I should do. After we left and arrived at the university to get my stuff, I pulled her aside and locked the door to our room. "What's wrong Haley?" she asked. "I have a secret and I need your opinion on what to do about it" I answered. "Okay what is it?" she inquired. "Liam kissed me again" I replied. "What?!" she squeaked. "Yeah. What should I do?" I interrogated. "You need to tell Zayn!" she cried. "I can't. He said he'd deny it if I ever told him" I mumbled. "He'll trust you. You have to tell him" she insisted. "I don't know. I'll think about it. I just have a lot to deal with now" I sighed. "I understand. Well I'll be right back" she nodded, leaving the room. Once she was gone, I did the thing I utterly regretted.

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