Complicated Love: Chapter 45

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Thank you so much for 858 reads! I love how dedicated you guys are and I appreciate everyone who's taken the time to read it. I hope you like this chapter! Lots is going on so keep on your toes. Enjoy!

Chapter 45: Complicated Love- Early Bird
*Haley's POV*
"Here you go miss" our waitress gave me a piña colada smoothie. "Um I didn't order this" I answered awkwardly. "The gentleman at table 6 did" she gave me a worried smile and motioned towards Zayn. She's wishing me luck. I silently thanked her, glad that someone knew that the guy at table 6 would need Jesus. She walked away to continue her job. Zayn's eyes flared with anger as he clenched his hands to fists. "Z-Zayn please calm down" I stuttered in fear. I knew he'd never hurt me physically but his temper got out of hand on occasion. "Calm down?! That prick just ordered you a drink, trying to hit on you and you want me to calm down?!" he roared. "Look it doesn't matter. He's not getting anywhere and nobody but you ever will" I tried to comfort him. "That doesn't give him the right to try and win you over. I'll be right back" he stood up from the table. I instantly knew what he was up to: fighting that guy. "No-no-no-no-no, you're not going to start a fight. You're gonna stay here with me and forget it all" I shook my head, trying to pull him back. He ignored me and kept walking to the table. Before I could plead him further, he reached his destination and cleared his throat. "Are you the douchebag who sent my girlfriend that drink?" he growled. "So what if I am?" the guy challenged. Bad decision buddy. You have no idea what you're in for. "Answer my question" he demanded. "Yeah what's it to you?" the man snorted. Zayn grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall, which I may add is concrete. "Look, if I see you near her again, I will kill you" Zayn spat. "She could do better. Why wouldn't I hit on her?" he asked. "That does it!" Zayn screamed. He picked up the man and threw him hard against the ground, also concrete. "Zayn stop!" I shrieked. Again, he ignored me and threw multiple punches at him. Fighting through the growing crowd, I went to the corner and called Danyelle. "Dany can you please come to Island Paradise? Zayn is fighting this guy who flirted with me and I'm scared!" I pleaded. "Of course. Me and Harry are on our way" she replied. I thanked her and hung up. After attempting to wipe my tears away, which failed miserably, I ran back to Zayn and begged him to stop. The way it was looking, he could kill on the spot. Of course, he didn't stop and continued to hurt the nearly lifeless man. All of the sudden, Harry and Danyelle came through the doors and to my side. Dany controlled my crazy sobs as Harry struggled to pry Zayn off of the flirter. Just as Zayn escaped and repeated his actions, I felt my water break. "Zayn stop please" I asked him again. "No not until he's finished" he denied. "But my water just broke" I smiled hugely. His eyes went wide as Harry froze and Danyelle screamed. "Let's get you to the hospital" he rushed us to the car.

How was it? Sorry I've been bad about updating. I've been really busy but I'll try. Love y'all bai!!!!😘

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