Chapter 3

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       Rays of light peeked at my bedroom window bathing my skin as I lay on my side. I sit up and tried to process the events that just happened last night.

   Unbelievable, I couldn't even get a good night sleep.

     It was past noon already when I finished my daily routine the fact I slept late and I feel famished, going to the kitchen, ready to eat an amount of food.

        "Are you kidding me child?!!" Mom's high pitched voice sweeped through my ears as her features where nothing good.

          She just basically shouted at me from behind, surprising the fuck out of me with a lot of swearing and hand gestures. I didn't even had the time to react for I was busy eating the food on my plate.

       "Mom, I went to Brenna's and besides I had nowhere. I'm bored." I calmly said hoping that would make her calm down.

       "You should have called me. It's dangerous out their in the streets for a girl like you!"

       See, I was right. My inner being told me and I mentally rolling my eyes.

       "Mom, I'm grown. I'm wearing a thong okay?!" I blurted out the words in a sudden and I immediately felt like I fucked up big time.

        Your mom's not gonna calm down any sooner for your choice of words girl.

       "You're despicable! God, teenagers!" She exclaimed and she looked mad but she was like done at the same time, she disappeared after, leaving me speechless in the kitchen.

       "Fuck." I muttered, slowly eating my half eaten pancakes.

        "So cats out of the bag, someone was up to no good." The devil himself appeared in the kitchen.

         Rolling my eyes, I spoke. "What the fuck do you want?

      "You." The nerve.

       "I would like myself healthy than get STD'S, thank you." My food felt cold and I'd rather leave right now than be with the asshole's presence.

      "Me? I'm offended." He said, faking a surprise while a sly smile was on his face.

       "For as long as I know, I heard you were fucking last night and I didn't even got a goodnight sleep!" I took a deep breath, controlling my anger.

       The idiot had to laugh again and he seems to be very happy.

         He lowered his head, meeting my gaze and said.       "Did I fuck alright?"

     This conversation was pointless, like dry paint. Giving him my best answer for the last time.

       "No, you weren't even fucking right. Try harder next time babe, alright?" I gave him my megawatt smile and he was confused with his mouth slightly opened as he seems to be surprised by my words.

        I left, mentally praising myself that I acted naturally speaking it out when in fact I felt nervous and definitely horny from the fucking tension.


          In them midst of watching Gone Girl, a movie that fucked my brains out thinking how realistic and depressing it was, my mother suddenly appeared out of the blue.

        She cleared her throat, making sure I pay attention. "We're going to a charity event. It will start at 6:00, everything is in charge. I got you your clothes, wear them for the night." I didn't even get to answer when she rushed out of the door as her cellphone rang indicating it was urgent.

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