Chapter 41

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"You really won't give up the fight, won't you?" He stated, as his eyes were hard looking at me.

     "Do I look like I would?" I sarcastically replied while I rolled my eyes, eager to get the hell out of here.

           He breaks into a chuckle, as if the situation looked funny taunting me in the process.

            "What the fuck's wrong with you?" I snapped, with eyebrows furrowed mouth pressed into a thin line.

             "Never mind, don't fucking answer." I sneered, walking away but for the second time around he blocked my way with a stern expression on his face.

             "Move!" I exclaimed.

              But he wouldn't budge and was the least fazed by my show of anger.

            "I said, move!" I shouted, aggravated and my outburst had made me try to push him away but to no extent, he had no reaction nor he did not listened.

I continued as I never stopped, letting out all my frustrations as I push him away as hard as I can.

"Will you calm down." He spoke, as he holds me by my arms stopping me from doing so.


"Don't fucking touch me." I spoke with disgust in my tone as I try to squirm away from his touch.

To no avail, he was too strong. So I thrashed around this time hoping I would get away from his hold but the minute I was going to hit him in the chest, he coincidentally moved his face to look around as I slapped him right in the fucking cheek.

"Shit." I muttered coming back to my senses as my hand stung from the contact and I saw him lower his head down with a hand on his cheek.

"Mat, I'm ... sorry. I didn't mean-" I trailed off while he tries to regain his composure, for that must have been painful. He closes his eyes and he takes a deep breath like he was trying to control himself as his eyes were back on me in a second.

He comes closer towards me as I took a couple of steps back and before I knew it, I lost my balance and crashed into the bed. I sit up as soon as I saw him knelt down.

"Are you done?" He spoke, his eyes were hard while he barely blinks looking at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-" I was about to explain when he puts a finger on my lip and he shakes his head.

"It's fine, I know you didn't mean it." He stated, a small smile on his face as if he was in a thought.

"What?" I asked while I try to control my breathing and dumbfounded, I had a hard time understanding.

"You see, whatever you do to push me away or make me hate you ... I just keep coming back Cleo, I'm drawn to you." He said as he chuckles, in disbelief as I was.

"I don't understand." I spoke, as his words were like puzzles. But then his thumb started to caress my cheek and the moment they were on my lower lip, I lost all my will to think clearly.

As we looked both into each other's eyes, I was already breathing heavily as I felt his hand go all the way up on my exposed leg, the slit was too long that my panties were already exposed from my position. A shiver ran through my body, as he moves his hand up and down in slow and soft movements. He teasingly licks his lower lip while his eyes were set on my body and my clit pulsated from the action.

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