Chapter 29

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Matheo's POV

Surprisingly, the function for the day was short and it entailed that the company was ready for the project launching this month. The board of members have already approved, giving us credit to our exemplary work like we always did. Co-workers were filing out of the function room delighted of the good news, eager to head home or were out for drinks. A few had invited but I kindly refused as I stood fixing my coat, ready to head out but a nagging thought came into mind. Used to my working hours I needed something to do, I wasn't in the mood to go home and wait for the rest of my night to pass by.

            "Mat, you coming?" Eric, a classmate in college and now a co-worker tried to ask stopping me on my tracks curious of what he had to stay.

            "To where?" I asked briefly.

             "At the run down airport. An event is held for two weeks, a few of friends in college are coming too see actually. You in?" He stated as his words seemed to be inviting.

             "Sure." I willingly replied, whilst startled by my behavior. As if I was drawn to the idea of hanging out and take a visit, my gut feeling was telling me to go.

             "Great!" He exclaimed, excited as well.

              We both went outside and took our cars as we were on the way. The run down airport had been popular way back, used for an adrenaline when it comes to car racing. The place was a mile away from the city but the drive is short if shortcuts are taken. As teenagers, we used to hang out and at times participate in the race but mostly we gamble from the load of money that we could get. It's been quite some time I haven't visited, and I haven't heard a word but not until now.

               This could be a good idea, as my mind insisted so.

                  I speed up my car after countless of trees blurred as I passed by taken a way far from the buzzing city. I have finally arrived and my co-workers were trailing along just in time too see a race that was about to begin. The place was crowded, a distant hazy chatter could be heard while the fine vibrations of cars soothed the runway. I took off my coat placing it inside my vehicle and I went near the area, while the crowd was as loud as they can be taking their bets and conversing how good the game was going to get whilst my eyes roamed taking in my surroundings, observing the race that about to set before my eyes.

                "Man, I heard some chicks were racing on tonight. I wonder if I could bang one after." A typical teenage boy bragged, I've heard beside me laughing like idiots after.

                 They looked and sound pathetic, but what had picked my interest was the fact that girls were on for the night, it was quite unusual and I rarely have seen one. Proved that my gut was right, I'd be having a good time watching them both battle at it.

Some blonde with her skin tight clothing took her place on the center of the runway, carefully adjusting herself at the front with flags at both hands. The race was about to start.

"1,2,3 Go!" She bellowed, as her raised flags were down at the second she said go.

                 Both cars took off, smoke blasting out from the speed and force that was put into the vehicle. Gathering everybody's attention they cheered as they raced down the runway. The screeching of tires can be heard whilst they change gears and so far so good. The loud roaring of their vehicles spurs challenging who could make it first while I had my eyes on the black car, a Mustang GT. Doubtful that it could make it but what caught us all by surprise. Her speed accelerated, as it ran like the wind while she weaved through the way passing her opponent and punching the gas pedal for more, she was definitely on her track and she played us along. As dangerous as it was, she was already on her way to the finish line.

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