Chapter 35

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A girl's gotta have her fun.

  The mantra that I kept repeating in my head while I downed my last shot of whiskey. I grimace from the extra taste of the liquor but never was I a quitter, I challenged myself to drink a little bit more. As pathetic as it may sound, I think that's what people who had fallen out of love do. They get drunk to forget, or maybe I think that's what it is. But still, I had a hard time thinking if did I really liked him for something more or is it just the infatuation speaking.

After spending my time at the beach, I made it a goal to be alone for the day. I went out to search for a bar, away from downtown where no one could find me while I muster up a reason on the phone call with my mother. Thankfully she never asked nor she talked too much and it was just what I needed, wasting no time as I bask in the comfort of alcohol.

"Could I have um .." With a hazy vision, I spoke while I was about to pick another one.

"A tequila please." I add, buzzed from all the whiskey I still picked out something stronger.

The bartender had a look of hesitation, doubtful if I could make it out alive in one piece at my state at the moment but I wasn't even close to alcohol poisoning, I believe. Seated by the club's bar counter, it was easy ordering drinks and picking up my favorites. It was past 7, and going home was last thing that's on my mind.

Strobe lights illuminated the club while with the blaring bass of music dancing bodies were tangled together, booze filling the air and everyone was having a good time. I took a deep breath while I stare at my liquor, taking the shot in one gulp. Quickly sucking the lemon to east out the burning sensation of the alcohol, a grimace across my features.

"Fuck." I murmur of how good it tasted but oblivious to the pain.

"I think you should take it easy." I hear someone utter behind me.

Taking a look, a man took a seat beside me with a smile of amusement plastered on his face and according to his looks, he was nowhere near my age. His jet black hair, physically fit while his features showed evident lines, thinking that he had that older men allure but still he looked good.

"Says who." I spoke, mocking his statement while I roll my eyes.

He chuckled whilst he signals a hand to the bartender, and on cue the employee already knew what to do.

"You're a regular?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Didn't pegged him as a party person and for an outfit that he has, guessing he's a businessman.

He smiles to himself like he was in thought. "You seem a bit surprise." He stated.

"Well." I shrug, laughing softly from my drunk sense of curiosity that I always tend to wonder and ask.

"A friend's business. I came to see the newly refurnished club." He responds, taking two glasses of liquor and handing me the other one.

Delighted, I took the drink as an accompany. He ordered the same thing while I quaff my tequila, doing my best without the use of lemon. The burning sensation was starting to numb, getting used to it and the more I did, my senses became all blurry. We continue to talk and laugh throughout the night, both enjoying each other's company while booze was still on with. Before I knew it, I was drunk to a fucking level.

"How old are you?" He asked halfway the conversation, taking a shot of his whiskey.

"Too young to be your baby." I purr, with an aloof manner while I try to steady my gaze and my posture from my drunk state.

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