Chapter 17

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            "Shit, shit, shit." I swore like a maniac as soon as I got upstairs, realization had hit me.

             We were close to having sex. But, what bothers me is? is how I liked his hands on my body, his touch and his lips that knew every corner that had me feel alive at that very moment.

              My hands voluntarily went to my lips, tracing the sins of pleasure that I have gotten myself into. It was wrong of me to, but it felt so fucking good. I had a bad habit of framing myself into an act that I knew from the very start that I would get myself troubled. The skimpy bikini, the commotion at the kitchen, teasing him; it was all a trap that I wanted for myself.

               Shaking the thought away, I took the time to collect my shit together as I was torn between a good time to wallow myself curled up in a bed or face it like I should and own up for my mistakes by pretending that I was not even aware that we just made out in the kitchen. Unfortunately, I heard mom's car engine outside indicating they have arrived in the most unexpected and worst time of my life.

                Putting on some clothes, I fake an emotion and forced myself to greet the family. What brought me into a halt was the chit chat in the dining table. Mom was smiling as my lovely step brother decided to help out settle the lunch takeouts they had bought.

                 "We had last minute arrangements and luckily we had a couple of free hours. So how about a family lunch." Chris' spoke whilst he was busy in the kitchen.

                   "I should call Cleo. She must be in her room." Mom stated earning an agreement from Chris while his son seems to be contemplating on a thought as he went silent.

                     Then mom turns around, seeing me in the entryway standing.

                  I cleared my throat as I greeted. "Mom."

                     "Oh honey, there you are. You must be hungry, come let's eat." Mom called and I nod for a reply.

                      My eyes had seemed to avoid one particular person in the area, pretending that I can get through this excruciating lunch knowing that his eyes have landed again on my direction as soon as I entered the kitchen.

                     We both took a seat as I acknowledged Chris' presence, thankful that he'd been enjoying the time of his life with my mother by his side.

                     "So Cleo, Matheo tells me you've been a great companion. Is it true?" Chris could be lovely at times but I wish he didn't asked questions.

                      To see my reaction on purpose, Matheo took a seat across the table as we were both in the same direction, face to face.

                       "Of course." I forced myself to speak, faking my reply.

            "He's been very accommodating helping me and all if I have any problems at the house, I appreciate his time." I add staring back at Matheo, as he wasn't even intimidated at the slightest bit.

            "I must say Cleo's been the best step sister that I could ask for ... the fact that she helps me on my needs, it's very helpful of her." Matheo replied too soon smiling with his sexual innuendo, almost making me choke on my water.

             Surprised, I glare at the man in front of me. Cocky and the least intimidated, he had the nerve to flash me his smile mischievously.

             "I'm very happy that you're both getting along. So, how about a family lunch. Shall we?" Mom stated, a proud smile on her face.

              While I on the other hand? not so.

              We continue to chatter as I found myself speaking lightly, tensed and eager to end lunch. In between I had to excuse myself, telling a lie that I had to do something urgent. Thankfully, they had agreed as I flee like an animal out on a leash. Taking my time as I took a breather walking through the spacious living room. My space was short lived when  I heard another footstep behind me.

                "Where do you think you're going?" He asked in a serious manner, his dominant side showing.

                 I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I faced the man that's been the point of my sexual restrictions and self control.

               "Out, could you please leave me alone?" I spoke irritatedly.

              "I don't think so. I mean, you left me in a complicated situation." He sarcastically replied, tensed.

               "Look, it was a mistake. I lost control and it won't happen again. Just save yourself out of misery and leave me the hell alone Theo." I turned my heel ready to walk away.

                 But as soon as I did; he already had snaked his arms around my waist, holding me back.

                 Taking the strands of my hair to the side, he whispered into my ear. "Let's get one thing straight; you can't help it as much as I do, so how about you save yourself from misery and agree on the situation."

                My heart accelerated, both scared and excited at the thought. And most of all the thought that we might get caught at this point of time, I squirm trying to break away from his hold.

                 "If you think that we might get caught at the moment, don't worry they are both busy." He replied, reading my thought.

                   "And if you think you will get me to agree. You're just wasting your time." I muttered, my voice tried to fight back but it became weak as I started to question my hopes that I knew that were utterly false. 

                     A chuckle came from his mouth, disbelief of a word I said. "It's not a thought, it's a promise. You will and you'll see."

                   "-And the next time you try not to choke ... you won't be able to anymore and this time, it is sure as hell won't be the water." He adds.

                     His voice taunted me in a way that I was already throbbing for him, sexual tension came through cracking my walls. I tried to calm my anticipating breath as we both stayed still while the tension was deafening.

                     "I'll see you around, baby girl." He softly spoke as he took a quick peck on my exposed shoulders letting me go at the process while he purposely grazed his hand at my behind.

                       I tried to look at the side of my view as he was letting me go. Sexually frustrated, I walked away.

                      I'm afraid so; he was right. It wasn't a matter of time, it was a question of when.

    The chapter's soundtrack:

Childish Gambino - Redbone 🌹
Go check this gem and see for yourself.

Intentions ranked #13 on Stepbrother. I screamed like a baby!! thank you for the immense support and love for my book 💕May you continue to be with me on this journey! Thank you for making me happy you guys!

Y'all stay lovely,

                     - d.

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