Chapter 45

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                  "Cleo, honey. Could you come here please?" I awoke to the voice of my mother calling me out in the kitchen, interrupting my slumber.

              Surprisingly, I haven't noticed that I had fallen asleep when I originally plan to help her in the kitchen. I've been quite the sleepyhead these past few days and always the least productive among them as I always find myself tired and drawn to the idea of sleep.

                I stood going towards her, too see her making some final touches to the finished cook. The aroma hit my sense and my stomach already grumbled from the fact that it smells so good, I really needed to eat.

               "Shit, I'm sorry I fell asleep." I sheepishly said, greeting her as I was beside her.

                 "Language honey." She reminded while her eyes were set on the meal at hand.

                  I mentally roll my eyes, a rule that she always had for me to avoid while I helplessly can't. I love her though but her constant reminding are chimney pipes to my ear.

                 "Could you taste this one? I just want to make sure if it's not too sour." She spoke, pointing the meal that was set on the table.

                  "Sure." I chirp, willing to do so.

                 Taking a spoon, I carefully took a little of the food bringing it into my mouth, I moan in delight as I thoroughly taste its outcome and it was just the right one, it was not too sweet and not too sour.

                  "This is good." I murmur in agreement whilst I was still in the midst of tasting one.

                  "Thank you honey, I was actually going to bring this at the office. My staff are dying to try this one out." She delightedly explained.

                  Mom is always a ray of sunshine, she was a well-rounded woman, always a giver and a helper. No wonder why Chris fell in love with her though, she wasn't as those typical middle-aged bimbos who thrive for the stability of money. I smiled at the thought, while I lend an ear as to how her current days went well.

                     "That's great, but can I get some? I'm really hungry." I chirp with a plead, as her eyes had snapped at me a look of confusion on her face.

                      "You just ate a while ago." She stated.

                     "Well, I'm hungry again and the food tastes good, please?" I persisted, beaming while I was ready to take a mouthful of food.

                      "Okay dear, whatever you want." She sighed, smiling to herself and at the same time packing the foods to its container as she was about to leave.

                     Mindlessly indulging the food in my plate, she went towards me but there was a change of her expression. As if she was hesitant, there was a question in her eyes.

                     "Honey, I've been wanting to ask you this but I've been busy that I hadn't got the time to but I just wanted to know if ..." She trails off and she seems to be thinking, this could be serious.

                      "What mom?" I said, more than anxious that I was before.

                       "I've noticed that you and Matheo have been spending a lot of time together ... it's nice to see you two getting along but I just can't help but wonder if this is just a casual relationship?" She questioned.

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