Chapter 47

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                 "Fuck." I grumble as I woke to an excruciating headache, slowly blinking my eyes from my interrupted slumber.

                  As I sit up from my bed, that's when I fucking felt nauseous. In a panic, I hurriedly went to  the bathroom as the flood gates of puke happened. My stomach contracted violently as I heaved once again and my throat felt sore from the stench of vomit. With watery eyes, I tried to keep my hair out of reach as I was practically leaning in for support, my body was weak. My stomach dry heaved again and again, and what felt like a minute of doing so it stopped, making me breathe for relief.

                   I retreated, leaning on the bathtub as I put a hand to my forehead noticing that I was definitely sick. But it was not the pungent smell of vomit or the caustic fluid coating my mouth that had grabbed my attention. For it dawned me;

                 I might be pregnant.

                 I instantly stood to my feet, the headache and the nauseous feeling made me grabbed on the sink to steady myself from falling. Wiping my mouth, the faucet drips as I wash my face, cleaning and hoping it will refreshen my thoughts for a bit. I extend an arm out, opening my drawers and frantically searching for something that I badly need.  My hand finally lands on the pill box only to see that I've been running out of pills for the past few weeks and I happened to not notice things. As it all came back, I even haven't taken my pill for the week.

                 "Shit." I exclaimed, grunting planting my hands on the sink as I lean forward, directly looking at my face in the mirror.

                   Fucking think, Cleo.

                  Inhaling and exhaling, somehow to calm myself down. I did my best to thoroughly think, closing my eyes to focus and with a sense of determination found, I opened my eyes and made a list of plans of what I could do for the day.

                because this just can't be.

                 Checking the time out, it was already 11:00. Taking small steps as I walk towards the shower, I needed one to lessen the heat on my body. If I'm going to sulk around all day and do nothing, I'd be definitely sick at the end, thinking an activity would do good if I try to. After I took a shower, I did my usual morning routine and carefully went downstairs as I felt like my head was spinning crazy.

                  The house was as usual, silent and still. I was the only one left whenever the day came around for they basically go home about the late afternoon and the caretakers usually end early in the morning. Forcing myself to take a breakfast but it was short lived for I had no appetite.

                     To challenge myself, I was dressed in my sportswear as I plan and wanted to take a jog down the neighborhood, so after taking a tablet hoping it would ease a little bit of pain and it did worked wonders, I went outside as soon as possible and started to take a walk.

                    A couple of minutes, I was already running down the street. Out of breath, I continued as I felt like my body was recovering. I ran for a good solid of 30 minutes and then I went to the park and playground, planning to do a bit of workout. Kids and with their parents were seen, doing the typical day out while I did a couple of bar exercises and after what felt like an hour, I decided to bring it to an end as I went back inside the house.

                   Through whole time I did, I was pondering countless of thoughts. I've noticed I had the same experience for the past few weeks but I was good at trying to hide things, it was better to avoid attention and questions. It could just only be that I acquired a flu because lately I've been trying to adjust to the drastic change of weather, I thought.

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