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I wake to the sound of my mom calling me to come down for breakfast. I look over at the clock and it says 7:30..CRAP school starts at 8 the last thing I want to do is be late on my very first day at a brand new school. I rush to put on my jeans and a black shirt that shows my abs. I run down stairs as I almost knock down my little sister, she hasn't talked yet and she's almost 5. Its really is annoying. I run out the door in search of my black pick up truck. I hurl my bag in and crank the engine in a roar. As I speed off to school I think of how I will make friends this year. I decide I just going to be the handsome new kid and not talk to anybody so people think I'm a self centered jerk. If you haven't figured it out, I don't like talking to people.


I come into school late because I had to clean up my dad's beer bottles all over the house from last night after he beat me senseless this morning. What an amazing way to start the morning am I right. As soon as I pulled in, a black truck parked right next to me. He got out and ran inside, must be new I thought no one I know would be in a rush to get to school. I got out of my Jeep and cruised my way inside. As soon as I was inside I heard my dad's voice over the loudspeaker, " Students, welcome to the year of 2016 at divergent High School. Please feel free to contact me at anytime I am here for your help." What a bunch of Horse Crap. He wasn't there for your help he didn't care about us. But they saw the loving Andrew Prior not the one drunk out of his mind not caring that he beats his only little girl. I have a younger brother his name is Caleb he is in the 4th grade erudite Middle School. He's a smart little guy and knows what happens to me at night but I do my best to protect that's why I get beat I don't want him I do it for him and I will continue to do it for him I don't know how much longer I can take it.

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