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She doesn't come to school all week. Her friends are freaking out and Chris is screaming as usual. We all decide to go to her house tomorrow and see if she is there. Now we are stuck in school with a bunch of smelly kids covered in acne. I go to my Double Math lesson and sit down I normally sit next to Six in this death trap but she's still not here if you haven't figured it out already.

Six's house

We all go into her porch door on the left hand side of their mansion. They have such a huge house I bet it cost more than Kim Kardashian's Ass. Zeke starts barking orders, " Marlene and Shauna go to the front door, Will, Uriah and I will go through the back door, Christina go to Caleb's room, and Four you go through that window there. Okay brake."

Alright I climb up the side of the red brick house and try and open the window. It fells sealed but I think if I use my knife I could just cut the seal. I do and the knife cuts perfectly through letting me in there I jump in the now shut window. The first thing I see is blood, not a little but a entire pool of it.. and around that blood was two broken beer bottles I look around and see nothing pointing to the existence of Six in this room except the blood and beer bottles.

I walk into the next room and it is amazing

I walk into the next room and it is amazing

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there is a pool surrounding the bed. That's amazing but when I see her one her bed in her pink lace bra and a bandage around her back I almost cry..I know that feeling of being worthless and not feeling cared about its one of the worst feelings you can feel. I hate that she can feel the torment from someone she loves. My dad went to jail for murder, but never did anyone find out he beat me as well. My back probably looks a lot like hers. Scars covering all edges with the ruff skin covering the scars. Then there's they open cuts running down her back. My thoughts are cut short by her voice saying, " Why are you here..get out and don't tell a soul or I'll have to kill you myself." She hisses. "No I don't plan on it and I'm not leaving you need help, just give me a minute."

I run down stairs and I see the gang waiting for me at the bottom waiting for me.

Did you find her everyone screamed.

"No" I said I know if I were here she wouldn't want me to tell anyone. I know I wouldn't want anyone to know my biggest secret.

"Guy's we should get out of here, I mean we did break and enter so let's get out of here." Zeke said.

"Yeah I'll go home myself I live next door." I say. I get a bunch of yeahs and okays. Then they leave muttering about where she could be.

I go back upstairs to find her laying on her bed listening to music. I think I might have a thing for her. Damn I sound like Christina.

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