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Hey guys I'm so sorry for how long it has been. I'm nearly to the end of this book and I'm still not set on writing and sequel. In the comments please tell if you do want one. So I'm gonna get on with the story since it's been a long time.

One week later...
Tris Pov

Tobias started to feel better later on that day. We are nearing the end of senior year and I'm pretty sure that all of us. The gang I mean are going to the same collage near by. We plan on living in a mansion all together. Each couple though will have their respected rooms together with sound proof walls "Zeke". I'm really excited and I think Tobias is too. He is really starting to become more of a nice guy around all of the wonderful people that surround us at school and in public. Please note my sarcasm in that last sentence. My reasoning was he is not as Bad Boyish as he was. Now he pays attention to me and only me and I like it like that.

Marlene and Uriah and having a baby and so they are going to have to have the biggest room because there is no way they and fit all of them into a small room.

Unless we get a Mansion with 6 floors then we can all have our own floors to hang out on. That's such a good idea and to think that I thought of it on my own. The world shocks you sometimes doesn't it.

If you were wondering where we got all of this money is that Tobias's father and my father were loaded until they were arrested and all the money came to us. Since that funny coincidence happened now we can by it because we are billionaires. I mean like Trump money.

So Marlene and Uriah are doing great so far. Marlene has morning sickness and she does some times skip school, but with having Uriah as a boyfriend and having the gang behind you. No one really messes with her.

Zeke and Shauna are going good, Zeke is so pumped about being Uncle it's funny. He's buying unisex clothes and buying a crib to put the baby in. And he never proceeds to fail when it comes to telling someone that he is an uncle to be. Shauna is excited to. I think she is secretly waiting for Zeke to propose to her. I pretty much sure that they will get married this summer.

Christina is still my best friend. She and Will have been going strong for almost a year now so that's good. Recently Christina's Mom was diagnosed with Cancer. So we have all been trying to help her as much as we could buy it is really hard on her. She doesn't know if she wants to go to collage or stay home with her mom. I respect that even though I really want her to come live with us. Her and Will have grown so much closer since Christina's mom was diagnosed. Will is really supportive and knows what she is going through.

Will is really good to he passed all of his classes so far and he is looking at a great 4.0 GPA of course, you know Will would not settle for anything less than and perfect score.

Tobias and I started to pack up Caleb and Alaska and get them ready for school. Only one week left until graduation. And I was looking forward to it. Tobias and I were now response able for everything that the kids need and everything that we might need, like food. It's nice though it's like we have our on little family to take care of.


Today is the day that I love on from the stage of my life. High School was dark but Senior Year my life changed for the better and I happy about it. The Gang has the Mansion ready to move in today after Graduation.

At the High School everything was decorated and set up in Red and Black streamers and balloons. Alaska and Caleb were in the following behind Tobias and me as we walked toward our seats. We asked Zeke and Uriah' s mom if she would watch them for us. After we have them all set we split up to sit alphabetically by last name. Tobias heads toward the front and I head towards the middle. I spot Zeke and Uriah sitting next to each other fighting. While Marlene stares at them, debating if their sane or not. Shauna is sitting next to Lynn and they are quietly talking to each other. Christina is just walking in with Will on her hip and she look absolutely gorgeous. And Will cleaned up nicely but still has those nerdy glasses on.

I will never regreat any of the moments I shared with any of the amazing people I call my best friends.

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