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   It was cold and my legs shivered. It has been a long time that I have been sitting in this cold dark cell, doing anything to keep my toes from falling off. It felt like it was the middle of winter and I was standing outside wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top. They fed me about what seems like a year ago, but I still don't know how I got here or how I'm going to get out. The people that took my were extremely careful that I did not see their faces. Every time they come into my close, tight cell they wear masks and have voice modifiers on so I can't hear what they actually sound like.

   My breaths start to speed up once I hear the voices at the end of the hallway, this time with no modifiers. It sounds familiar to me almost sounds scary. The boots are heard as they stomp down the stairs to where my cell is located. I cower in the corner afraid of what might happen next. I am lacking food and have no real way  getting out of this hell hole. I hear the keys jingle as my cell door opens and I look behind me to see Andrew. Not as shocking as I thought, but what really shocked me is that Marcus was standing behind him.

   "What are you doing here?" I spit my anger getting the best of me.

   "Darling, I'm here to make your life a living hell just like you did to mine." He counters

   "Don't call me darling." I warn

   He just laughs and starts to circle me. Analyzing my every move or twitch, trying to make me crack under his hateful glair. But little does he understand that he doesn't scare me anymore. I was scared for Caleb that if I didn't stand up for him that no one would and he would be left alone to fight for himself. I couldn't do that to him or anybody for that matter.

   "I'll call you anything I want to. You are now imprisoned with me and Marcus until they day you die, which hopefully will be soon." Andrew spit 

   " First off, It's Marcus and I but I guess I understand that you don't have enough brain cells in you head to comprehend that, and secondly I plan on leaving here fully alive."

   " I don't give a shit about grammar rules and the next time you go to correct me I wont hesitate to bash you skull in the most painful way possible.

   He came so close to my face and I could smell the alcohol coming off his breath. I withdrew away from him and his nasty scent that he gave off, as I huddled back into my corner hoping that they would think that they had won and would saunter off.  As of most the time my plan worked, just has I still had my magic it did as the two dumbasses cheered and high fived as if they had won World War II, but they hadn't and as the got closer to the exit my grin got wider as they thought they had won. While really I am the smartest person to ever walk this earth because they thought they won, but really I have millions of tricks tucked up my sleeves.

Four's POV//////

   I have searched high and low for Tris but I keep coming up empty handed. It has started to drive me over the edge insane, as in I've felt like I'm starting to lose hair. Thank God I'm not actually losing any hair. Caleb is doing perfect he is a little angel to me and a devil to nurses. His sneaky personality always seems to get him in loads of trouble. He will mostly sneak out at night and sit on the roof and watch the stars, like his sister used to when she was in the hospital with a head injury. I used to always love to watch them play together in the park after Tris would pick from school and I would come to the park and play. Caleb has extremely bright eyes that light up when ever someone walks into the room its truly remarkable this boy has been on my life while his sister has been missing. Sure I spend most my time looking for her but its also nice to relax and just hand out with Caleb because not a lot of people get the chance to know him as well as I do and let me tell you its a pleasure.

   The gang has not been doing so hot lately. With Tris missing we have pretty much fallen a part. Uriah won't even touch his dauntless cake, Christina rarely talks with anyone, Will hasn't been able to focus on his school work, Marlene is not shopping, Shawna is being rude to anyone who tries to talk to her besides Zeke, Zeke has stopped cracking jokes all the time, and Lynn hasn't even bothered to show up to school for the past week.  I have been searching and trying  to keep Caleb under control in the hospital. My Mom has been in and out of the house lately and I can't tell where see has been going, but to be honest I really don't care. Alaska has been worried about me because I'm rarely home anymore and Tris hasn't been by to see her lately. I told Alaska what had happened to Tris but I don't think that she really understands what's going on yet, I only think that she gets is that Tris will not be around for awhile.

   I have a sick feeling that Tris's father is be hind this entire thing, but for some reason I feel like my father is too. It is something he might do, kidnap and teenage girl with another man and keep her all to themselves in an abandoned warehouse where they expect that no one would be able to find them. Well they are wrong because I will find her even if its one of the last things I ever do.

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