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I start my bike home. I speed past the city at lighting speed as I hurry to beat Caleb home. I needed to get home ready and to bed before my Father came home.. and I only had a few minutes.

As I reached the house I saw my father's car in the drive way and Caleb already sitting on the front porch crying. What the actual hell went on while I was gone. Andrew and Caleb both beat me home.

I park the bike and slowly approach Caleb only to find him in a ball crying his eyes out. As I look closer I can see the beginning of a black eye. Oh my GOD....Andrew hit Caleb that was why he was dumb struck and crying. His father had hit him that's enough to traumatize anyone. That was when I lost all control. I could think straight... Everything was fuzzy like I wasn't in my right mind that was when I stormed inside.

Tris pulled up on the bike. Her hair curled and she looked in a rush. Her shoulder slumped as she realized that Andrew was already home.


Today was a half day at school so I went home early. I am going home and I'll clean up to help Tris with all her chores. As I walk home from the bus I see Andrew's car parked outside the mansion. Ohh no this will not go down well. I walk inside to see the house trashed, beer bottles, white powder coated the floors. All I could think of was what had happened here. I walk in to Andrew's room. There he was sitting on the bed looking straight at me.

"Sorry sir, I'll leave now.." I say in my best voice.
"Come here please?" He says, "What are you doing on my room. You never go in my room...do you understand.?" And with that he did something I never thought would ever happen to me.. he drew back his arm and hit me square in the face. So did what I thought at the time was logical I ran. I ran outside and curled up on the front porch waiting for Tris to get home.

Flashback over///

Tris came over to me and did not say a word.. she was inspecting me checking for cuts bruises. I didn't think that I had tears running down my face till I felt them hit my hands. Tris's face fell indifferent to the other stare. She was angry and when she was angry you could not stop her. She stormed inside as I tried to reach her but she slammed the front door in my face and locked it. I wasn't getting in and I wasn't sure if that was good thing or a bad thing.

Tris pov//
I slam the door on Caleb so he can't watch this. I was going into full angry mode.. big sister mode as Caleb use to call it. I run up the stairs to his room to find him sitting on his bed staring into space. I roar out, "How dare you touch him. We had a deal and promise that you broke. I am 18 now I can leave whenever I want and you bet to the heavens that I am taking Caleb with me. You won't touch either of us agian. Do you understand we are not to be touched or I will go to the authorities. And I will skin you alive in court." I storm out but not fast enough to see the bottle fly from his hands and hit me square in the temple and everything went black.

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