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I heard Tris screaming at Andrew after she had slammed the door in my face.""How dare you touch him. We had a deal and promise that you broke. I am 18 now I can leave whenever I want and you bet to the heavens that I am taking Caleb with me. You won't touch either of us agian. Do you understand we are not to be touched or I will go to the authorities. And I will skin you alive in court." She roared. I zone out would she really take me away? Could we live a normal life without all the horrible things that have happened to us. I hear a crash answer then a thud. I wait until I hear Andrew's car start and pull out of the house.

I fling my door open to see Tris unconscious and a pool of blood around her head. A broken bottle lays around her head like a halo and I can only imagine that he threw it at her. I start to cry.. I don't know how to handle this I can't drive and know one else knows about this. Wait someone does know about this.

"Excuse me do you know how to help me get into my house it seems to me that the front door is locked?" A little boy says

"Sure, buddy what house do you live in. And what's your name?"

"My name is Caleb and I live next door. I saw you walking from my house and so I thought maybe you could help me get in."

"Yes I'll help you come with me."

I walk him over to Six's house and let him in with the key I took. He's small and has blonde hair and green eyes. His facial features look much like Sixes.

"You know don't you?" His little voice asks

"I do bud now go to sleep your sister is upstairs.." I replied.
AN///This is from Four's Pov

I run to her phone and unlock it. I go to her contacts and look for Four. I find his name and hit call.

Four's POV

I wait for Tris's call to come but it never does. It turns to be about 12 o'clock so I hit the sack and think to check up on her in the morning.

About 3 am my phone starts to ring. Now who in the damn world would be calling me at 3 am in the morning. I look at the caller ID to she Tris's name and number show up on the screen. I slide to except it, but I didn't here Tris on the other end. It was a male voice.

"Four, I know you don't know me very well. My name is Caleb and my sister, Tris, well I can't seem to get her to wake up and she is surrounded by her own blood on the floor and it looks like she was hit by a bottle and I think she might be dead." His voice cracks on the last word. I don't even register that I am out of bed before I am jumping out the window and running over to her house. Without a shirt.. Crap.

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