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I go to school the next day. It's any other day other than the fact that me in the Gang. Are getting together. Oh and Tobias. Maybe it's a good thing right it can't hurt to tell the Gang what's been happening to us. But then again we could lose our friends or them to just make fun of us tell us that we're cowards. I know that I already think I'm a coward but I don't want Tobias to feel that way. I mean I am 18 today is my birthday. I could get out of here if I wanted. And I do want that but I would be hurting a lot of people or at least I think I would.

We get to school to see the gang in there normal places just hanging out. Tobias and I walk over to them. As I walk I here Eric calling my name, "Six, wanna come over tonight for old times sake?" Right as he says that Tobias gives me a look, as if this relationship was more than a hatred between me and Eric. "Get away Eric I don't want or need you here so just go back to your stoned friends and leave my friends alone." I reply that makes Tobias's confidence come back up a little bit. Eric just walked away as if he hadn't said anything in the first place. Tobias than loops an arm around me and addresses the gang, "Guys, after school all of us are going to the park. Me and Six have some really important things to talk to you guys about." Everyone nods their heads in agreement and thank god no one asked us any questions before hand because I might have run if they did.


I drove my motorcycle to school today instead of the Hummer. So I hope on the back and do a dramatic hair flip to add a little spice. My dad is coming home today so unfortunately I might have to race myself home. I am planning on making it on time so no beatings for me tonight.

I thought I beat most of the gang here but I round the corner to see everyone waiting on me. So I skid to a stop and unbundled the straps to the helmet and once again did a really dramatic hair flip. And once again I go cat calls and whistles. Tobias comes over and glares at all the boys that whistled.

We get to the pond over by the of the long field. This is also out of everyone's hearing distances. Tobias starts to hyperventilate. I rub his back to calm him down. For once in our lives the gang is completely quiet. I have never been so out of place with these people. It makes me feel like they are different and they are complete strangers. I know that they aren't and they aren't going to judge us or a least I hope not. So I take a deep breath and start because I don't think Tobias can.

"Whatever we say can not and will not leave this circle of people under no circumstances."

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