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I haven't left her side. She has been a coma for 3 weeks now and it is nearing the end of October and starting up with November. I've slept here having no desire to go home to my father. I would take so many lashes in my back if it meant I could stay here with her. Caleb has stayed with me while Will takes him back and forth for me because his sister goes to the same school. I haven't slept much but when I do its not good quality. The doctors do say they might have to unplug her soon because she isn't responding well. That's a problem I don't know how to deal with because I have no way to change her information. It is all up to her Dad if it comes to the extreme that they would have to call him but I don't plan on letting it get that far.

Will POV///
I pick up Cara and Caleb from school. I have been doing this ever since Tris was placed into a coma. Ever since Caleb has been down in the dumps and Cara is trying to help him but he is not really open to excepting help. I mean he is only in the forth grade and he has already had to deal with more that I ever had too. So I'll do all of can to help. Plus I'll score bonus points with Christina.

Tris POV///

They say they're pulling the plug today that my "Father" gave full permission saying some crap like "I would've wanted to live to the fullest and then it would be my time to go". I always hear Tobias arguing with the doctors telling them that they can't listen to him but he's the one on my records so he makes the choices.

"It's time. I'm afraid we can not give her much more time." A nurse states

"No PLEASE she will come through, this isn't right." I hear Tobias

No this can't be happening what if I don't survive who will take care of Caleb? Before I know it is can feel hot tears dripping down from above me and I know Tobias is crying.

"I love you, Tris we all do and I promise I will take Caleb as far away from that monster I can get. I love you and so does Caleb." Tobias sobs.

Four POV ///

It's not fare to her. She didn't deserve this. Caleb and I are still in her room me grasping her hand in case she does wake up.

"We are going to unplug her oxygen and then take out the tubes and IVs in her. Slowly her heart will stop and she will have passed on. Are you ready?" A nurse explains

"No but since when do you care?" Caleb shot back quickly

"Well I'll continue anyway." I hate this nurse.

Slowly she starts to unplug Tris and unattached her from different machines and other things. Lastly is her heart monitor. They won't turn that off until her heart stops.

I expected it to go by quickly no three hours later and I'm still listening to the beeps of the machine. I grateful that we might not have to give up on her but I can't let Caleb get his hopes up.

The heart monitor slows. Showing that her time is up. Not until Caleb touches his sisters hand since she got here is there a jolt of the bed and Tris wakes heavy breathing and eyes wide that I realise this is actually happening. She's okay.

Tris POV///

"We are going to unplug her oxygen and then take out the tubes and IVs in her. Slowly her heart will stop and she will have passed on. Are you ready?" A nurse explains

"No but since when do you care?" Caleb shot back quickly

"Well I'll continue anyway." I hate this nurse she is the literally the worst in history.

I feel them taking everything out. Then my chest starts to rise again but this time I'm filling them with air. I can't give up on Tobias, Caleb, Marlene, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Will, Christina, and Lynn. They mean so much to me. I wouldn't want to live without them. I would have killed myself a long time ago if I hadn't of net them. I am not going out with an injury like bottle to the head. I'm going out with shark attack, mass shooting something that I will be proud of.

It's not until I feel my hand being squeezed by a much smaller one that I finally have the strength to break out of the fuzzy memories that was a coma. I look around to see Caleb touching my hand as Tobias sits there and watches me with amazement. I sit for a few minutes collecting my bearings as I wait for Tobias to understand what has happened. I focus on controlling my breathing and the sudden burst of color which is the room. I turn to look at Tobias as I watch the shock turn in to the most beautiful smile. I'm going to be okay!

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