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I watch as Four stands in my doorway watching me as if he was in some kind of trance. He gives me a feeling as though I am safe. I know I'll never be safe and that I can never let him in because if he saw how dirty and ruined I am on the inside much less the outside he would go running off into the sunset. I still like him though he gives me that look not that I'm a kicked puppy but that I am strong and that confused me.

"You're abused" are the first words to come out of his mouth.

"Yeah I am so?"

"So let's stop him or her. Who does it anyway you're Mom Or Dad?"

" Um...my mom's dead because my dad killed her and my Dad abuses me."

"Well let's get you cleaned up them will talk about it"

I don't refuse but I just slip off my shirt to reveal my pink lacy bra in which Christina bought me for my birthday last year. We sit in my bathroom cleaning up my back. It was a week ago in which I beat as though I was a rag doll. I did not wake up until two days later. Thank God for Caleb. I would be dead if he didn't clean my back and stop the bleeding. Four cleans my back and before he bandages it is yell home we should get in the pool. I put on a black bathing suit while he just goes in his boxers. We go back in my room and slip into the pool surrounding my bed.

"I put extra Epsom salt in the water to help clean and close the wounds. How do you know so much about this?" I ask
He simply turns around allowing me to see his full back tattoo. Just barely can I see the scars hidden underneath. He was beat. Like me he has been though what I have. He turns around and doesn't meet my eyes but I don't care i hug him. I have never hugged someone before him.

He looks at me and I just wanted to say that he is not worthless and is cared about but he says it to me before I can say it to him. He leans in to kiss me. Should I? I really like so I let him. I can taste him. He taste of mint. And smells of metal and sweat.

"Six, What's your life story?" He asks

"Well, you know must of it but I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours? Okay when I was 10 my brother was born
He is 7 years old. And I'm 17 and I'm a senior in high school. A few days after my brother was born my dad came home stressed from work and drunk with hickey on his neck. My mom confronted him about cheating on her and he denied. My mom being my mom just kept grilling him until he hit her. She died that night after having a baby she couldn't take a beating. After that I took care of Caleb since he was two weeks old. After that my dad came home drunk every day. Then he got a new job and moved us here as he had no patience at that point he started taking his anger out on me. I told him that I would take all the punishment if he never laid a hand on Caleb I also said that I would never say anything. So that was my life being beat every day since I was 10. I have been in and out of a hospital but I am okay I'm waiting until I'm 18 then I'm out of here with Caleb. I turn 18 in a few months anyway."

"What about you what's your story?" I ask just to interrupted by that foldout door opening and a thunderous voice coming through the house. Oh SHIT.

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