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I didn't know Tris knew self defense. Watching Tris go off on Lauren and Nita was amazing. It was really hot too or that might just be teenage boy hormones. No I think I just really like her and not just as a friend I think I'm falling and I'm falling hard.

Time skip to lunch

Finally Lunch..I could not get stuck in one more boring class before I exploded. We all sat down at the Lunch table as I sat next to Tris. Uriah being the load of shit that he is had to drag me into one more truth or dare game. I looked at Tris as to ask if she could go because of her Dad. She nodded and mouthed "He's on a business trip.." I nodded to let her know I understood her. Well I guess we'll being Truth or Dare tonight.

Truth or Dare

"Alright guys tonight instead of drinking we will strip. Yeahhh. I'm Free to do what I want and have a good time.." Uriah sings

"I'll start," Will says



"How many boys have you dated?"

"Including you Will, that would be 7."

"Four" she says fast to avoid what Will wanted to ask.


"I dare you to tell us your real name."

"That's not fair it's a truth in a dare.."Says Zeke

"Whatever" I say as I take my shirt off.



"Have you and Zeke done the dirty?"

She blushes rapidly as a small yes comes out of her mouth. She looks at me and then at Tris ohh no what's she going to do?

"Six, you know the question"

"Dauntless" she answers fast..she doesn't want people to know about her past.

"Sit on Four's lap for the rest of the game." She stands up and plops herself down right on my manhood. I cringe and I'm permanently frozen for a few minutes. Damn that hurt. Tris just looks at me in horror...."What did I do ohh my God are you okay do you need ice. Should I call 911?" She starts to ramble.

"Six, I fine just get me some ice, please"

"Zeke get ice"

Zeke comes back and says, "I know that hurts Shauna did the exact same thing to me last week."

Six sits back on my lap and starts the game again.

Tris pov

"Lynn you haven't been asked?"


"I dare you to call your crush and tell them you like them"

"Fine, but only you can know."

I nod my head to agree as we get up and go outside to listen to her call.

"Okay you can't tell anyone but I'm a lesbian..."

"Lynn that's fine with me and you know I will always be there for you through thick and thin."

"Thanks Six I needed that."

"No problem Lynn"

And with that we head back inside to continue the game.

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