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I run into to school only to hear the someone on the loudspeaker. I didn't really care I just had to get to the office so I can get my schedule. After I got my schedule from the lovely lady named Tori I ran to my first period which was science with Miss Matthews. As I sat down in the back of the class a beautiful girl walked right in and sat down next to me. No surprise it was the only seat left. I turned to look at her but only to notice she didn't look at me she just had her eyes trained on the book in front of her. 6 people rushed over and started talking to her, she started talking to them she has a beautiful voice to match her intriguing figure. She might be small but I can tell she's strong. One boy had chocolate skin brown eyes brown hair starting to blabber about Chocolate Pop-Tarts. I think you might be a little backed up in the head. But aren't we all. The blonde with blue eyes standing next to him smack him upside the head. Maybe she thought what I did. I didn't say anything I kept my eyes trained on the girl maybe we'll get to be partners I only hope I could be that lucky. Finally a girl mocha skin short brown hair and chocolatey eyes looked at me and I immediately turned away. Like I said I don't like to talk to people. But that didn't stop her she came over and started spewing out words asking me my name how old I am and if I wanted to sit with her at lunch today. Being as that I wanted her to shut up I told her I'd sit with her at lunch today her and her group at least. Although I was still intrigued by The Girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

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