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Ohh well. I keep running until I reach Tris's house. I don't bother to knocking. It really won't do much good anyway. I burst though the door and call out to Caleb.

"I'm upstairs... grab a phone," he said.

I did and ran up the stairs two at a time.

Horrific was all I could think. There on the ground laid Tris with blood around her head and a bloody Caleb sitting next to her.

I threw the phone at Caleb and said, "Call 911 and tell them the situation."

I slowly approached Tris and bent down to my knees. She is so pretty and level headed how did this happen?

"Caleb what happened?" I asked after he was off the phone with the emergency room.

"It all happened so fast I came home but Andrew was already home and I bothered him and I got punished. Tris made a pack with him that I never got hurt mentally or physically. I did. Do Tris went and exploded at him and now I think that he threw a bottle at her head and it hit her. Then I assuming she blacked out or I hope she blacked out." I nod.

By this time I can hear the faint distant sound of a siren, I pick Tris's limp body and start to carry her down stairs. The ambulance pulls up and rolls a gurney out. I gently lay Tris down and hop in the back seat with Caleb. Remembering Caleb I notice that he has tears steaming down his face. I pull him into my lap and hold him close.

"Tris said something about leaving, is it true are we leaving?"

"Yeah bud we are sometime soon," I replied this was going to be a rough night.

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